Dear Walt,
I don't care if it was Oswald, or Not-Oswald, or Not-Not-Oswald who signed the guest book, but I would like to know what significance you ascribe to Not-Oswald's apparent writing down "USSR" next to his or her forgery of Oswald's signature.
Care to comment?
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy 
I would like to know what significance you ascribe to Not-Oswald's apparent writing down "USSR" next to his or her forgery of Oswald's signature.
Thank you for asking for my opinion...Mudd,
I find the notation "USSR" highly suspicious and wacky..... It is clear to me that "someone" was desperately trying to place Lee Oswald at the Atomic Energy museum on July 26. I'm compelled to ask.... WHAT ?? of significance was going on that would require that Lee should either have an alibi or an indication that he was in that area on July 26th....
I know that JFK was planning to raid a illegal Cuban training camp on the north shore of Lake Ponchatrain and Lee Oswald had visited that camp with David Ferrie. If the raid had occurred on September 26th and Lee had been one of the men who had been arrested he could have been removed and isolated from the other prisoners ( some of them CIA) and then said that he was in Oak Ridge that day ...That's one possibility....
Who ever signed that register knew that Lee had lived in the USSR and since their forgery of Lee's signature was less than perfect they wanted something to cast off any doubt hat it was Lee who signed the register.