The problem with your theory is that it flies in the face of overwhelming evidence that Oswald was in Mexico City, Mudd Wrassler Tommy. Until solid evidence that corroborates your theory and disposes of the solid evidence that has Oswald in MC appears I'm afraid you have no choice but to accept the unpalatable (for you) plain facts.
Dear Oscar,
Does your "overwhelming evidence" include "Oswald was in Mexico City" statements by KGB-boys Nechiporenko, Yastkov, Kostikov and short, blond, 35 year-old, suit-wearing, blue-eyed, skinny, very thin-faced KGB colonel Nikolai Leonov (who claimed in 1992 that he'd met with "emotional, revolver-packing" Oswald at the Soviet Embassy on ... gasp ... SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29?
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

PS Oh yeah, and pro-Castro Sylvia Duran and Cuban Consuls Azcue and Miribal (the first two of whom must have felt very guilty indeed for having helped frame Oswald for the assassintion, otherwise how do we explain their describing him afterwards in such a way as to so obviously point a guilty finger at the above-mentioned short, blond, 35 year-old, suit-wearing, skinny, blue-eyed, very thin-faced KGB colonel, Nikolai Leonov?