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Author Topic: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?  (Read 111490 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #96 on: January 22, 2019, 02:05:55 AM »
Oswald had that sweater on 11/22/1963 so why should there be any doubt about the date of the photo in the visa application?
And, YES, Oswald did go to Mexico City in late Sept/early Oct 1963. The evidence for that is overwhelming.
Who says that CE-161 is the same sweater as in the 'visa app' photo? Let me guess...Marina right? ;D
Not saying I believe with all my heart that LHO did not make that Mexico City trip but so far.. from what I see, the evidence is underwhelming.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #96 on: January 22, 2019, 02:05:55 AM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #97 on: January 22, 2019, 02:30:29 AM »
Who says that CE-161 is the same sweater as in the 'visa app' photo? Let me guess...Marina right? ;D
Not saying I believe with all my heart that LHO did not make that Mexico City trip but so far.. from what I see, the evidence is underwhelming.

Dear Jerry,

Who's to say that Cuban visa application photo wasn't taken while Oswald was living in the USSR?

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #98 on: January 22, 2019, 06:51:50 AM »
Thanks. And she wasn't really an "official"; she was a secretary/officer worker who took over the job a couple of months earlier (in August) after the previous secretary had been killed in a car crash. She met Azcue, the Cuban consul, at the funeral and offered to help the consulate out. So he hired here pending the arrival of a replacement. She left her job two days after the assassination.

And one more tidbit: Duran's name and phone number were written in Oswald's notebook/diary AND, most important, a note/piece of paper from her with her name and number was found among his possessions. She admitted to giving it to him when he visited the second time that Friday.

So, if he didn't go to MC how did he get that? Yes, we know: it was planted. They planted everything but couldn't fake a photo of him entering the embassy?

Dear Steve,

"They" being the KGB, or the CIA?

Although the KGB would have loved to have had a photo showing Oswald entering the Cuban Consulate or the Russian consulate (to fortify it's Russia and Cuba-protecting WW III "Kostikov-Oswald" Virus), it probably realized that it couldn't get away with faking it.

As regards Oswald's notebook/diary and Duran's contact information therein, it's possible that possible (or should I say probable?) KGB agents Marina or Ruth forged Oswald's scribblings on that.

AND, as regards the love note or whatever in Duran's handwriting, someone could have forged that, too.

-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy  :)

« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 07:01:09 AM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #98 on: January 22, 2019, 06:51:50 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #99 on: January 22, 2019, 07:28:20 PM »
Note the file here [apparently approved for release in Sept 2011] contains no redaction at all but was marked Secret. Why?
If they needed a phone bill from 1963 it could have been found [I feel certain] but what ever happened to that passport that was allegedly issued in ONE DAY in June '63?

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #100 on: January 22, 2019, 09:48:39 PM »
Quote from: Oscar Navarro on January 21, 2019, 09:24:57 PM     
Oswald had that sweater on 11/22/1963 so why should there be any doubt about the date of the photo in the visa application? [CE-161]
      And, YES, Oswald did go to Mexico City in late Sept/early Oct 1963. The evidence for that is overwhelming.
Who says that CE-161 is the same sweater as in the 'visa app' photo? Let me guess...Marina right? ;D
Mr. Rankin.
Mrs. Oswald.
    This is a pullover sweater. This is his pullover sweater.

Not saying I believe with all my heart that LHO did not make that Mexico City trip but so far.. from what I see, the evidence is underwhelming.
Why is CE-161 such a darker sweater than in the other pull-over sweater photos?.....


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #100 on: January 22, 2019, 09:48:39 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #101 on: January 22, 2019, 11:59:28 PM »
Quote from: Oscar Navarro on January 21, 2019, 09:24:57 PM     
Not saying I believe with all my heart that LHO did not make that Mexico City trip but so far.. from what I see, the evidence is underwhelming.  Why is CE-161 such a darker sweater than in the other pull-over sweater photos?.....


Thanksgiving with brothers Robert Oswald and John Pic on November 1962. Notice the sweater Oswald is wearing. Look familiar!!! Also, while I'm not claiming any expertise in photo interpretation it appears that Oswald has a much more pronounced receding hairline in the much more recent visa photo than in the earlier photo taken in Minsk.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #102 on: January 23, 2019, 12:36:43 AM »
Oswald was never in Mexico City.

The uber erudite David Joseph's has long proved that already.

Anything else on Oswald and Mexico City is pure supposition  piled upon "what-if's" and therefore a complete waste of time.

Try as you might, you will NEVER be able to put Oswald there, simply because he wasn't. To drag it on is a mere exercise in typing, period.

As a challenge, I defy ANYONE to produce a photograph, ANY photograph of Oswald in Mexico City....just one.    Walk:

See Replies #15 and #18

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #103 on: January 23, 2019, 01:21:34 AM »
... it appears that Oswald has a much more pronounced receding hairline in the much more recent visa photo than in the earlier photo taken in Minsk.
So now we're talking about a middle aged Oswald and a pull-over sweater that survived all it's mileage there and merely got darker over the years?
Moving on ...I thought it was strange how this alleged [1963] passport was issued the very next day. The Report had to address that anomaly preemptively-- simply because it was so absurdly convoluted......
On the same day a teletype was sent to Washington containing the names of 25 of the persons who applied for passports on that date in New Orleans, Oswald's name among them. On the right side of the Washington Passport Office copy of the teletype message, approximately parallel to his name, are the letters, "NO," written in red pencil.260 Oswald was issued a passport on June 25, 1963.261

Since there was no lookout card on Oswald, the passport was processed routinely. Twenty-four hours is the usual time for routinely granted passports to be issued. The handwritten notation, "NO," which appeared beside Oswald's name on the list of applicants from New Orleans, is a symbol for the New Orleans Passport Office that is routinely placed on incoming teletype messages by anyone of a group of persons in the teletype section of the Passport Office.263 No one looked at Oswald's file previously established with the Department.264 The Department, however, has informed the Commission that at the time the passport was issued there was no information in its passport or security files which would have permitted it to deny a passport to Oswald.
No info concerning a former defector? Yeah right- OK-- Even today the routine processing of a USA passport is...are we ready?-----
Routine Service   Approximately 4-6 weeks from the time of application.
Expedited Service   Within 3 weeks door-to-door.*
Expedited at Agency   Within 8 business days from the time your application is received
Why was Oswald's name the only one that had "NO" placed beside it supposedly because NO stood for New Orleans and 24 other New Orleans applicants apparently did not have NO written beside them? Who was behind this fraud? Who were the applicants before and after the Lee Oswald application? How long did it take to process their applications? Why did Lee's application misspell his mother's name...his aunts name...his wife's name..misstate his height...but, manage to spell photographer correctly when Lee consistently misspelled that word? Did not Oswald already have a passport issued in 1959 what about that one?
For reference .... CE-781 Application for passport 1963--

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #103 on: January 23, 2019, 01:21:34 AM »