No, I meant Mexico. As what was needed to get to Cuba apparently what Oswald offered was good enough because the Cuban government granted him a visa. You want to believe there was an Oswald impostor that's your business but if a show is what you're looking for the actual Oswald visit was a pretty good show in and of itself. BTW, I don't see what purpose it would serve to have an Oswald impostor at the Cuban and Soviet consulates. Who's interest were served by coming up with this ruse?
Dear Oscar,
The Cuban government granted Oswald a visa to visit Cuba?
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy
PS Whose interest was it in to have an emotional, "Communist,"
virtual Oswald "show up" at both consulates (and at the Soviet embassy on Sunday, September 29, according to "Third Secretary / Assistant Cultural Attache" Nikolai Leonov)?
Why, the KGB, of course. So that not only could it paint Oswald as someone who was emotionally capable of killing an American president, but to establish the "fact" that he had met with "Department 13" Valiery Kostikov at the Soviet consulate on SaPersonay, September 28 -- as "verified" by KGB triple-agent Ivan Obyedkov over a sure-to-be-tapped-by-CIA phoneline to an Oswald impostor (probably Nikoloi Leonov, himself) on Tuesday, October 1.
To plant a "WW III Virus" in Lee Harvey Oswald's CIA file, to ensure that Armeggedon-fearing CIA and egg-on-face-fearing FBI would cover up all evidence of Soviet and Cuban complicity in the assassination, ergo, e.g., Karamessine's desperate entreaties to the Mexican Police to "go easy" on Sylvia Duran.