Dear Steve M. Galbraith,
Have you considered the possibility that not only did Oswald not go to Mexico City, but that no one physically impersonated him there?
It could very well be that, as Duran and Azcue collectively described their "Oswald in Mexico City," short, blond, skinny, blue-eyed, 35 year-old, suit-wearing, very thin-faced "Third Secretary/Assistant Cultural Attache" KGB colonel Nikolai Leonov provided Sylvia Duran with Oswald's passport-sized photo, and told her and her colleagues what to do and say (with approval from Castro, of course).
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy 
PS Unless, of course, you're deadset in believing that the evil, evil, evil "Deep State" CIA killed JFK.
As I have already pointed out Duran could have easily confused Oswald's grey eyes for blue just as FBI informer T-6 did. I'll also add Oswald's Selective Service registration card has Blue eyes for Oswald Grey eyes can be easily confused for blue eyes. You're treating a 15 year old memory as if it's the Holy Grail yet ignore the countless times Duran identified Oswald in 1963 as the man seen in the photos who was accused of shooting JFK and the photos of Oswald being shot by Ruby. You also ignore her testimony that the man whom she met at the Cuban consulate in MC and whose photos she handled for the Cuban transit visa application she identified as Oswald, the man who is accused of shooting JFK and being shot by Ruby.
It appears that being hung up on a theory based on nothing but heresay and fantasy is more important than using the evidence that is available and unassailable to reach a logical conclusion. That's what I would describe as the essence of the entire premise behind the many different theories that go against the basic conclusions reached by the WC about Oswald.