Why Did Gordon Shanklin reprimand Hosty for bringing up Lee Oswald's visit to Mexico City?
Is this the question that you were responding to when you wrote......
Maybe because he didn't want to let the "cat out of the bag" that Oswald had not only met with Castro's people in Mexico City, but had met with KGB office, Valeri Kostikov?
Please connect the dots..... So what if (IF??) LHO had met with Castros people in MC ??.... We know that Castro's people told him to get out of the embassy, and people like him were not an asset to the revolution...
I cannot understand your POV......
Dear Walter,
Have you ever noticed that all of the people in Mexico City who claimed they'd dealt with with The-Man-Who-Was-Not-There (Oswald), described him as being emotionally unballanced and potentially violent, four of them (KGB boys Nechiporenko, Yatskov, Kostikov, and Leonov) even going so far as to claim that he was packin' a revolver?
Point being: KGB's and DGI's painting Oswald this way reinforced the WW III Virus that was to go into effect during the sure-to-be-tapped-by-CIA phone call between "Lee Oswald" and KGB triple-agent Ivan Obyedkov on Tuesday October 1, 1963, during which phone call Obyedkov "volunteered" to "Oswald" that the diplomat he'd he'd met with four days earlier was the KGB dude who was supposedly in charge of assassinations in the Western Hemisphere, (Valeri) "Kostikov."
Khrushchev and Castro collaborated in killing JFK, and ensured that neither the Kremlin nor Havana would be nuked by L.B.J. by planting this WW III Virus in Oswald's CIA file on October 1, 1963, intentionally making it look as though Khrushchev and/or Castro were behind the assassination (which they were, btw).
Kinda like John Newman's WW III Virus, except that James Jesus Angleton didn't orchestrate its planting, the KGB did!
What is it about my "POV" that you don't "get," Walter?
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy