It just says ''after his return from Russia" It does not say ''in 1963''. Again adding things that aren't really there [as happens many times]
It also says "Marina had not previously seen this photograph"...previously? Like when they were together? Why didn't CE-2788 just simply state "One of Oswald's Cuban visa photos" if that is what it was?
Actually, I don't see anywhere that she asked him for several copies. She does testify that he brought four pictures. They may still have photo booths around where you inserted coins and it would take and dispense wallet size pictures [usually four] Linking to that HSCA statement some 16 years after the fact [to tell the story straight]------- onward
Continue to believe in this gospel according to Priscilla if you wish [mentioned above]
Don't forget about the part where Oswald [who didn't even speak Spanish] was going to train Cuban militia in combat 
This was 1963. They didn't have photo copier machines. Or copy machines.
She had to use carbon copies for the application. One copy - with a photo - would be sent (as it was) to Havana. Another copy would be kept for consulate records. She testified that she made a duplicate copy; it wasn't a carbon copy.
Here is here testimony about the photographs (plural):
CORNWELL - Okay. So your memory is that on the first occasion you also explained to him that he needed photographs and he left shortly thereafter to obtain them.
TIRADO - Yes, and perhaps, but I'm not very sure, that, uh, he said that he was a friend of the Cuban Revolution, and when he showed me all the scrap paper that he has.
CORNWELL - All right. You don't remember if that was on the first or the second occasion. Correct?
TIRADO - Yeah, I don't remember.
CORNWELL - Nevertheless, he did leave to go get photographs, and he did return?
CORNWELL - Did he return with the photographs?
TIRADO - With four photographs.
CORNWELL - Four of them.
TIRADO - Yeah.
CORNWELL - Were they all the same? To the best of your memory, was he wearing the same kind of clothes that he was wearing that day in the photographs?
This testimony undermines my suggestion that he had photos with him that had been taken earlier. If he was wearing the same clothes then obviously he must have had them taken that day.