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Author Topic: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?  (Read 111756 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #304 on: January 06, 2020, 03:01:15 PM »
Here are two links to photos of the draft notes/letter that Oswald wrote (experts concluded the handwriting was his) where he mentions going to Mexico City and visiting the Cuban and Soviet embassies/facilities.

Page One:
Page Two:

Oswald would type a letter - using Ruth Paine's typewriter (FBI experts verified the letter was typed on it) - based on the above draft notes that he would send to the Soviet Embassy mentioning his visit. Both Ruth and Marina testified that they saw him type the letter. The handwriting on the envelope was verified as belonging to Oswald.

That letter is here:

We have numerous eyewitness accounts that Oswald went to MC, we have physical evidence, photos, letters, handwriting/signature, circumstantial evidence. If you don't want to believe he went to Mexico City then you have to argue that all of this was faked or planted or wrong. All of it.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 05:29:03 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #304 on: January 06, 2020, 03:01:15 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #305 on: January 06, 2020, 04:09:46 PM »
Here are two links to photos of the draft notes/letter that Oswald wrote (experts concluded the handwriting was his) where he mentions going to Mexico City and visiting the Cuban and Soviet embassies/facilities.

Page One:
Page Two:

Oswald would type a letter - using Ruth Paine's typewriter (FBI experts verified the letter was type on it) - based on the above draft notes that he would send to the Soviet Embassy mentioning his visit. Both Ruth and Marina testified that they saw him type the letter. The handwriting on the envelope was verified as belonging to Oswald.

That letter is here:

We have numerous eyewitness accounts that Oswald went to MC, we have physical evidence, photos, letters, handwriting/signature, circumstantial evidence. If you don't want to believe he went to Mexico City then you have to argue that all of this was faked or planted or wrong. All of it.

The information in the Letter to the Russian embassy was in reality intended for the FBI.    It is common knowledge that the FBI was reading all the mail that was sent through the US postal system to the Russian Embassy.  Lee was reporting that he had been unsuccessful in his mission to Mexico City.  He had been unable to obtain the Cuban visa. ( Duplicious Hoover had sent Lee to MC to try to obtain a Cuban Visa which would be used after the murder of JFK to connect Oswald to Cuba)

Recall in his memo of 3:01 PM  11 / 22 /63 Hoover wrote that Lee Oswald had been to Cuba several times, which was a damned lie, but Hoover thought that he could tie Lee Oswald to Castro, with that lie.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #306 on: January 06, 2020, 04:37:22 PM »
That letter is here: We have numerous eyewitness accounts that Oswald went to MC, we have physical evidence, photos, letters, handwriting/signature, circumstantial evidence. If you don't want to believe he went to Mexico City then you have to argue that all of this was faked or planted or wrong. All of it.
You have brought all of this conveniently left behind for everyone to see evidence up earlier in the thread more than once and it has been discussed. What bilingual person saves their rough draft notes [in English] for a typed correspondence to be delivered to the Russians [in English] that states really nothing. Oswald knew how to spell his own wife's name demonstrated in other correspondence..but the typed letter doesn't spell it nearly right at all. Can we say it all stinks-- even after 56 years?
we have physical evidence, photos, letters, handwriting/signature
We don't have jack crap.
circumstantial evidence.
Yes plenty of that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #306 on: January 06, 2020, 04:37:22 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #307 on: January 06, 2020, 05:07:13 PM »
You have brought all of this conveniently left behind for everyone to see evidence up earlier in the thread more than once and it has been discussed. What bilingual person saves their rough draft notes [in English] for a typed correspondence to be delivered to the Russians [in English] that states really nothing. Oswald knew how to spell his own wife's name demonstrated in other correspondence..but the typed letter doesn't spell it nearly right at all. Can we say it all stinks-- even after 56 years?
  We don't have jack crap.  Yes plenty of that.

There is unsolved controversy about the letter to the Russian embassy.....   Originally Ruth Paine said that Lee had asked to use her Cyrillic  typewriter to write the letter to the Russian Embassy. ( that makes sense if you think about it)  But when she spied on Lee and read the rough draft of the letter ( and copied it) she became angry because Lee had referred the the FBI as "notorious" she told him her Cyrillic typewriter was broken. So he was forced to use the English typewriter ( Ruth was far more fluent in English and could read what ever Lee wrote.)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 09:56:55 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #308 on: January 07, 2020, 06:31:48 PM »
I believe Mr Graves has posted about that. It seems strange or at least out of character for the normally recluse and snobby Lee to engage in friendly chit chat with a stranger and show them all of his confidential information. And what did he them his expired passport? Supposedly--as I understand it---he had applied for a new one...
...also don't we still wonder what ever happened to that particular passport [that could not possibly have had any Russian stamps in it]?
J Hoover wrote this memo on 11-22-63 ...
Note that he stated that "Oswald was not a communist and that Oswald had been to Cuba on several occasions"

Let's parse Hoover's memo which was typed at 3:01 PM CST  11 / 22 /63 .....There are several items that Hoover couldn't have known at 3:01 because the interrogation of Lee Oswald didn't begin until 3 : 15.....

A) How did Hoover know that Lee was employed at the TSBD ? .....  That information came out during the interrogation, and FBI agent Hosty claimed that they didn't know that Lee was working in he TSBD.

Notice that Hoover states that the rifle had been left in the building.....WHY??   What was so important about this that Hoover mentions it in the early memo?....   I believe Hoover was basically reviewing the story they had concocted prior to the coup.

Hoover says that Lee Oswald had pulled a side arm on two cops who confronted him and he shot one of the cops....

How utterly ridiculous!!.....  But perhaps that was what they had concocted earlier when they were plotting the murder....   

First off nobody could have hit a elephant at 50 feet,  with that sawed off piece of junk revolver that they claimed was Lee's.  And secondly... If two cops confronted Lee and he shot at them. he would have been killed by their return fire....

Hoover says that RFK asked him if Oswald was a communist.....   No such question was asked by Bobby K .....   

Hoover says that Lee had gone to Cuba on several occasions ( a damned lie) and he ( LHO) wouldn't tell them why he had gone to Cuba....   Obviously Hoover is reviewing the concocted tale that would tie Lee Oswald with Cuba ( Castro) .....

The subject of Cuba never was broached during the interrogation of Lee....There was no mention of Cuba. However, FBI agent Hosty DID try to get Lee to admit that he had been in Mexico City in September ..... This was Hosty's idea, and he hoped to get Lee to admit it so he could tie Lee to the Cuban Embassy where a man using the name Oswald had ranted and cursed and blurted out..."That SOB Kennedy, someone ought to shoot him!" 

Hosty knew about the Cuban embassy episode and wanted to trap Lee into admitting that it was he who had said that, in a stupid misguided effort to try to get the Cuban visa.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #308 on: January 07, 2020, 06:31:48 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #309 on: January 07, 2020, 07:41:36 PM »
You have brought all of this conveniently left behind for everyone to see evidence up earlier in the thread more than once and it has been discussed. What bilingual person saves their rough draft notes [in English] for a typed correspondence to be delivered to the Russians [in English] that states really nothing. Oswald knew how to spell his own wife's name demonstrated in other correspondence..but the typed letter doesn't spell it nearly right at all. Can we say it all stinks-- even after 56 years?
  We don't have jack crap.  Yes plenty of that.
Of course. Every piece of evidence is faked, planted, altered, staged, made up, falsified.

The draft notes were identified as having been written by Oswald. Your response is to say, "What person saves their draft notes?" Well, Oswald did. But that fact is then dismissed. The letter sent to the Soviet Embassy where Oswald mentions the visit is dismissed as faked. Marina and Ruth say they saw him type it. But you will say they lied. The FBI said it was typed on Ruth's typewriter. But you will say they lied. On and on and on.

What evidence can be produced to show to you he went there? Is there anything?

Just say it: nothing will persuade you he went to Mexico City. Whatever evidence is presented will be dismissed as being staged. Not only will you say it's faked, you'll say that the evidence indicating he went to Mexico City is actually evidence he didn't. If the CIA released ten photos of Oswald outside of the embassies you would say it's proof he didn't go because they were faked.

This is the conspiracist mindset. Up is down and down is up. Evidence of "A" is actually evidence not of "A".
« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 08:13:48 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #310 on: January 07, 2020, 08:12:33 PM »
Just say it: nothing will persuade you he went to Mexico City. Whatever evidence is presented will be dismissed as being staged.
     No..... Nothing has CONVINCED me that he really did. Now there is the difference. I believe that an imposter must have gone about in his name.
For the very reason that other posters have speculated...that the idea was to implicate Castro behind the assassination.
What I do contend is that the only thing about this case that makes any sense is that nothing else about it makes any sense. Why in these days of lying, deceiving, stab in the back politics running amuck would anyone think it was all that different back then?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #311 on: January 07, 2020, 10:36:37 PM »
     No..... Nothing has CONVINCED me that he really did. Now there is the difference. I believe that an imposter must have gone about in his name.
For the very reason that other posters have speculated...that the idea was to implicate Castro behind the assassination.
What I do contend is that the only thing about this case that makes any sense is that nothing else about it makes any sense. Why in these days of lying, deceiving, stab in the back politics running amuck would anyone think it was all that different back then?

Why in these days of lying, deceiving, stab in the back politics running amuck would anyone think it was all that different back then?

Nothing is new under the sun.....   I'm often amazed at the similarities between the cut throat, back stabbing  politics in the US in 1963, and the politics in Germany in 1944 / 45.....   Hitler was loathed by many of his Generals and Admirals who totally disagreed with his solution to the "Jewish problem". Some of them were plotting to kill Hitler.

Many military men in the Pentagon disagreed with JFK on his handling of various crisis situations like BOP, and the Missile crisis. And they were plotting to remove him from office....  By the fall of 1963, they could see that JFK's popularity had grown and he probably would win a second term.   They were desperate and some said that the only way to get him out of the Presidency was to shoot him out....   Hoover and LBJ liked that option.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did Oswald Go To Mexico City?
« Reply #311 on: January 07, 2020, 10:36:37 PM »