So many dog-gone questions:
1) Did an impostor forge Oswald's signature?
2) If so, why did he or she write in "USSR"?
3) I mean, I mean, I mean ...
Did they, or did
someone else write "USSR" in after the assassination?
4) Does "Dallas Road" suggest that it was an impostor?
5) What about the handwriting? Is it Oswald's?
6) If
Oswald did it, why did he write in "USSR"?
7) Did he? (See above)
8 ) If it
was Oswald, how the heck did he get around like that? David Ferrie fly him around?
9) What day of the week was it?
10) Was Oswald supposedly working at the time? "Looking for work"?
11) Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy

Bumped for Jerry and the boys.
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy