... and not the only Zapruder *assistant* to evade any serious interest in her version of events. Zapruder employee Peggy Burney allegedly witnessed the assassination on Elm St but doesn't appear to have been questioned by FBI or WC. Limo stopping ... might have put them off going 'there'.
Have you seen this, Tom? https://breezecourier.com/main.asp?SectionID=1&SubsectionID=1&ArticleID=148129
Robert, funny you should ask about the "award winning" breezecourier.com attempted hometown linking to
the Zapruder film on the eve of the 2013, fiftieth anniversary!
The publisher of the Taylorville, IL Breeze Courier is also the author of the 2013 article you linked to in your post.
I found and read her Lillian Rogers/Taylorville article in the course of my research into the obscurity of the origins of the Zapruder assistant
who seemed to have literally made the film happen. I thought the Zapruder family was selfish in not properly crediting her influential role
and not sharing their Time-Life and later US taxpayer payments with Lillian Rogers.
By the time I contacted the article author/publisher in 2014 and she returned my phone call, I knew from my research, and informed her
that THE Lillian Rogers was originally Lillian Virginia Dancoff, who grew up and attended school nearly 100 miles from Taylorville, in Caseyville, IL.
Marylee Rasar seemed interested in my research related to Lillian, and I even credited and pointed Ms. Rasar to the article by a researcher I discovered when
I attempted to determine if my research results were original. It turned out he (Chris Scally) beat me to it!
An Interesting and Mysterious Lady
This happens to me frequently....I search and find nothing and then expend considerable time pursuing discovery on pay sites like ancestry.com
and then use the details I unearth to do more informed search engine searches and this avoids claiming credit for what I first expect is my on original discovery.
Could this be the reason Marylee Rasar has not corrected her article in the past five years?Northwest Herald earns state APME awards | Northwest Herald
Jun 13, 2014 - 3rd Place: Marylee Rasar, The Breeze-Courier, Taylorville, "Looking for Lillian". Div. C. PUBLIC SERVICE. 1st Place: Staff, Daily Chronicle, ...
IAPME announces annual contest winners - NewsOK
Apr 25, 2014 - 3rd Place: Marylee Rasar, The Breeze-Courier, Taylorville, "Looking for Lillian". Div. C. PUBLIC SERVICE. 1st Place: Staff, Daily Chronicle, ...
Here is some of the damage this sloppy journalist is responsible for, (along with journalist Richard Stolley embracing her inaccurate BS....)
A bucketful of 
Twenty-Six Seconds: A Personal History of the Zapruder Film
Alexandra Zapruder - 2016 - Biography & Autobiography
A Personal History of the Zapruder Film Alexandra Zapruder ... and he knew all about her favorite team, the Taylorville Tornadoes, who had won hearts for their ...
LIFE The Day Kennedy Died: Fifty Years Later: LIFE Remembers the Man ...
Editors of LIFE Books - 2013 - Biography & Autobiography
... Taylorville High School, was consistently one of the best in Illinois?and said so. ... My brief relationship with Lillian Rogers was cited years later, long after ...
Santa Fean recalls day he secured rights to video of JFK assassination
Nov 16, 2013 - While waiting for him to finish, Stolley passed the time talking to Zapruder's assistant, Lillian Rogers.
She was from Taylorsville, a small town in ...