The SaPersonay Evening Post - Volume 217 - Page 15 › books1945 · Snippet view
"Occasionally , tiring of familiar scenes , Nelms goes hoboing incognito , doing odd jobs in strange cities.." October 18, 1967, BILL TURNER called and advised as follows:
"...Olsen stated Ruby had many friends in. Houston. He recalled
particularly a man in the outdoor sign business who Was always
accompanied by a business associate or bodyguard and drove a white
Cadillac. This man come by the Carrousel off and on for some three
years, and at the end was in the process of selling the sign business. Olsen said he was in his late 20s or early 30s.
Olsen advised that a. pttrolman named Bill Swafford was a frequent visitor to the Carousel. The most frequent visitor, he
said, was GerEL.Wal. (the sergeant who found shell casings at the
Tippit shating scene and was at the Texas Theatre), to whom Ruby
was always giving six-packs of beer. Hill escorted FBI men to
persons around the Carousel locale and told the persons, "Tell the
FBI what you.know about Ruby."' Olsen says that one of these persons
cracked, "Why don't you, you knew him best." (It is noted that Hill
was not questioned - by the Commission vis a vis Ruby.)
Olsen did not know the nature of the relationship between
Bertha Cheek and Ruby, but he did say that Cheek obtained many
business leads from a man named 0. L. Nelms, a shrewd entrepeneur
who once bought and sold the Sanger-Harris department store, making;
$100,000 on the deal.,,"
Mrs. Nelms's Obit, 1996