Posted on another JFK forum
from Bill Kelly's blog (JFKCountercoup)..
Larry Haapanen holds a Ph.D from Washington State University, is an ex-Air Force Captain and retired college professor.
"But if the transcript were edited to conceal links between the former Vice President and the murder, our conjectures seemed doomed by another exchange retained in the Newcomb transcript."
BEHN: Yes, go ahead.
KELLERMAN: I?ll have to call you back. Get a couple of men, rather the Volunteer (LBJ) boys to go over to his car and so forth. We?ll also need hers and several others.
"The presidential limousine was a mobile murder scene. Its internal ravages ? bullet holes, blood spray, embedded bullet fragments ? would be crucial evidence in determining the source of the gunfire.
Here is Roy Kellerman (Secret Service Agent in Charge of the Dallas trip) ordering [!] his superior to have men ? LBJ?s men ? go over the car ?and so forth.?
If there was no controversy about the source of the shots, these speculations would be pointless. But so many things do conflict with the official notion of Oswald firing down from the Sixth Floor window; the Zapruder movie shows JFK thrown violently backward (toward Oswald); the shots seem to have come too fast for Oswald?s rifle; gunpowder odors are smelled in the motorcade; the Parkland doctors describe a frontal entrance wound, etc. Since there are few likely sources of shooting in Dealey Plaza which would not have ripped up the innards of the limousine, this car was obviously hot evidence.
Yet the LBJ ?boys? who went over it that night produced neither bullet holes nor any description of blood spray pattern (the blood was washed out at Parkland by Secret Servicemen, according to hospital employees) 33
Only a skull fragment, a cracked windshield, and five bullet fragments were found. 34
It will surprise no one that two larger fragments, with parts of copper jacketing still about them, were later matched to the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, and which was later traced to Oswald.
But it may surprise some that all were lying loose on the seats and floor of the car.
To put this in perspective, let us digress. Several hours before these discoveries, Secret Service Agent Richard Johnson announced another. He turned over to James J. Rowley, Chief of the Secret Service, a nearly unblemished copper-jacketed bullet given him by a hospital employee at Parkland, where it had been found on a stretcher. This became Warren Commission Exhibit 399, the famous ?magic? bullet later credited (with creating) seven wound and two broken bones. 37
Like the limousine fragments, it was matched to Oswald?s rifle. 38
Johnson apparently told no one of his bullet (no one on Air Force One seems to have heard about it) until he returned to the White House, and then both he and Chief Rowley broke the chain of evidence by not inscribing it, as standard police procedure.
This is not the place to evaluate the controversy about the ?single bullet theory? or CE399. But because LBJ?s ?boys? were sent to ?go over? the limousine, and because they found fragments of a copper-jacketed bullet, we should note that all ballistic evidence lining Oswald to the assassination passes through a single agency.
The doctors at Parkland found only lead particles in Governor Connally, 39 as did the autopsy pathologists at Bethesda in President Kennedy. 40 A bullet impression found on a curb near the shooting was also leaden. 41 In fact, no copper jacketing was found embedded anywhere. It was all found lying loose, and it was all produced by LBJ?s ?boys.?
Barely three weeks after the shooting, UPI found that the limousine had been quietly shipped to the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan to be bullet-proofed and completely refitted. One wonders why LBJ ? who so loved the status symbols of office ? wanted to ride about in this same car with its bitter (or at least bittersweet) memories. If this was some macabre gesture of economy, it was most unfortunate since it prevented the Warren Commission from making its own examination and using the car in its filmed re-enactments. Only the bullet-scarred windshield (scarred with lead, not copper) was saved for the Commission 43 and there is both photographs and testimonial evidence to suggest it was not the same one that went to Dallas."