Who prodded Nellie Connally to resist the fragment removal? https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-1993-06-18-9306180244-story.html
Yes, you're right, there is ample evidence that Gerald Ford was Hoover's spy on the Warren commission.
Such as?
It's a long story, Read the WR. and Portrait of an Assassin.
Just because he adhered to a lone nut theory it does not make him an "inside man".
What would be the point in removing those fragments?
Those fragments, along with CE 399 ( including the two fragments found in the limo), when weighed and added together, would end up with a weight far greater than one bullet.
Those fragments would have told us whether they came from CE-399 thru laser ablation. That would positively link the fragments to CE-399 or not. I suspect not because CE-399 was obviously shot into a swimming pool then retrieved before being planted on the wrong gurney and became the Impossible Pristine Magic Bullet.