Mr. EISENBERG - When did you receive that fragment, Mr. Frazier?
Mr. FRAZIER - At 11:50 p.m., November 22, 1963, from Special Agent Orrin Bartlett, our liaison agent with the Secret Service, in the FBI laboratory.
Mr. EISENBERG - And the last bullet fragment you examined, Exhibit 567, when did you receive that?
Mr. FRAZIER - It was received at the same time from Special Agent Bartlett.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine both at that time, Mr. Frazier?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; beginning the following morning, November 23.
Mr. EISENBERG - Mr. Chairman, may I have this bullet fragment marked Q-3 admitted as Commission 569?
Nothing new there, that we don't already know. Two men, who had no forensic expertise contaminated one of the most important crime scenes of the century, prior to the arrival of FBI Forensic Specialist Frazier and his team. And for some reason, that's no big deal? Really?
Those same two men then turn over some bullet fragments to the FBI claiming they found them in the limo and we just take their word for it? Really?
And then, six months later those same two men are able to identify those fragments, which were not marked, as those which they allegedly found in the limo, and again, we take them at their word.... Really?
And all this happens in one of the most important criminal investigations of the decade..... Go figure.
If something like this had happened in a trial of an insignificant drugs dealer, the judge would have had the two men arrested because of evidence tampering and would have thrown the case out of court with extreme prejudice......