In saying that another Patrolman named C. Harbison was also given 3 fragments of a bullet that came from Connally's body.
At the beginning of tape #2 is where you'll hear the discussion of CE 842.
In saying that another Patrolman named C. Harbison was also given 3 fragments of a bullet that came from Connally's body.Do you know the article and have you read it?
It starts with: "A Texas highway patrolman who guarded then Gov John Connally's room at Parkland Hospital
has told the Dallas Morning News he recalls turning over to an FBI agent more than three bullet fragments purportedly removed from Connally the day President John Kennedy was assassinated."
Later in the article it says: "Harbison was interviewed by the News SaPersonay"
This means they got the information directly from Harbison. Was the officers lying?