It seems to me [has for years] that JFK was shot twice in the head simultaneously. Based on my study of the Zapruder film, and autopsy pictures... a shot from the rear throws his head forward and a shot from the right ahead throws him back and to the left instantly afterwards.
Based on what I've read, there was no interest by the authorities in locating any bullets that struck Kennedy and remained inside him.
Witnesses close to JFK's limo at Z-313 thought he was hit in the side of the head.
The autopsy doctors, who held his skull in their hands, and the WC said the entrance wound was slightly to the right and slightly above the external occipital protuberance (EOP). The small bump on lower back of the skull.
The Clark Panel, the Rockefeller Commission and the HSCA said the autopsy doctors got it wrong. They put the entrance wound four inches higher on the cowlick. Largely based on a particle trail of a disintegrated projectile across the top part of JFK's skull.
The photos of the inside and outside of the entrance wound in the skull bone, taken at the autopsy, that depicted cratering and the direction and location of the EOP entrance wound are not among the autopsy materials in the Archive.
Critics had pointed out, before the Clark Panel was formed and changed the location of the head wound to the cowlick, that the EOP entrance didn't work with the official narrative of a shot from the 6th floor SE corner TSBD.
Cognitive dissonance.