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Author Topic: The Fundamental Problem  (Read 53966 times)

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #80 on: January 25, 2019, 05:38:12 AM »
Yes, it's a hard one to accept.

Not for me it isn't. Why would you expect a fragment to be found outside of the limo?  Tague was likely hit directly by a fragment from the head shot.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #80 on: January 25, 2019, 05:38:12 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #81 on: January 25, 2019, 06:09:12 AM »
I don't buy into any theory that has been proposed, including a second shooter. That's why it's at the top of my list for unresolved questions in the JFK assassination.

Why would a second shooter be needed

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #82 on: January 25, 2019, 06:26:49 AM »
FBI Firearms expert Robert Frazier said that a rifle like the Carcano would not typically be sighted-in for less than 150 or 200 yards. What do you suppose would be the reason for not doing so?

What were the distances for the single bullet shot and the head shot?

If I recall correctly, Dave Emary said the Carcano was iron sighted out to about 230 yards or so to match average battlefield conditions.

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #82 on: January 25, 2019, 06:26:49 AM »

Offline Dillon Rankine

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #83 on: January 25, 2019, 12:33:47 PM »
The exit wound isn't known? It's right where Dr Malcolm Perry created a bogus tracheostomy shortly after the intubation of the throat wound, which is highly irregular. JFK was likely already dead by then so it was done for no other reason than to obscure the throat wound, which probably looked too much like an entrance wound.

How do you know that? What if it hit JFK's spine? If the MB entered JFK at T1 and exited at C7, then struck Connally below his armpit then it had to change direction because that is not a valid trajectory from the SN.

*Exact* location isn?t known. C7 is a proposed inshoot. Bullet didn?t hit spine, take it you didn?t understand Thomas? explanation (which?using my superhuman precognitive powers I predict?you?ll claim you did and/or it didn?t make sense or something else that makes you out to be the smart one).

Also only like 4 of the Parkland staff actually said the throat wound was an entry; the vast majority said their observations were conclusive enough (others did say they thought it would turn out to be one).

Sorry, I meant to say the MB was "planted" on the wrong stretcher.

You can?t know whether it was planted or where it was ?meant? to be so. 

Nonsense. Show me a single example where a bullet causing 7 wounds smashing thru 3 bones would have no DNA on it, while the head shot bullet hits 1 bone and explodes.

Yeah! It?s not like the skull is harder than other bones or anything; they?re all the same. Just inconsistency after inconsistency, is obvs a conspiracy!

Like any mass, bullets follow a parabolic path under gravity. However, their initial velocity is so high that the parabolic arc is almost negligible over short distances, such as from JFK's throat to Connally. So are you claiming that Oswald aimed high via the iron sights to compensate for gravity? Because he wasn't going to hit squat with the wonky scope on the rifle.

Strange, I don?t recall saying about Oswald or what sights he was using.

Adjusted Z-film? Greer not only slowed down, he turned around to make sure the POTUS' head exploded before turning face front and stepping on the gas. Mission accomplished.

You psychic now? You don?t and can?t know why he did what he did.   

The FBI had an emotional response to JFK getting whacked and that's why they obliterated crucial evidence to the crime of the century? LOL

I robot. Preserve the crime scene. As we all know, 99.9% of all murders gonunsolved, so this obviously crucial.

Fritz approached the SN and saw 3 hulls in a tight group right next to the window. He walked over to them and PICKED THEM UP WITH HIS BARE HANDS and put them in his pocket. When has a police captain ever done that before, let alone while heading the investigation of the assassination of the POTUS? The ONLY reason he would do that is because he didn't think the in-situ arrangement of the hulls looked authentic. He later returned with a rookie cameraman, removed the hulls from his pocket then tossed them on the floor in a more favorable arrangement to stage the crime scene. And you see nothing wicked in that?

You. Don?t. Know. That! Fairly certain shoddy police activity was common in Dallas, 1963. Paranoid ideation: you?re seeing malicious intent or the part of everybody for no reason. The only possible explanation is that Fritz thought exactly this at exactly this nanosecond, because he and everyone else was horrible even conspirator man!

You haven't been paying attention if you think there is nothing wrong with the 1 BYP that Marina took. Or was it 2 and she burned 1?

There were 4, only 3 exist today. And no, nutjobs moaning about shadows means nothing. Read an actual analysis by actual experts.

Several Medical staff at Bethesda swear they saw a "fist-sized" hole in the back of JFK's head and it isn't significant? LOL

Because human memory is a flawless system far superior to mere photographers, x-rays and movies of the actual gunshot. 

Not just me. Several Doctors noted it.

The majority don?t. Pretty sloppy surgery too.

Suspiciously incompetent you mean. You'd think that they'd have a competent crew available for the emergency of the century.

Again, half a point.

Doubt it.

Read it.

It makes sense if you follow the logic. BTW how many points are required to make my point?

?Logic.? I award points for any point I think was good. Humes? little fire is expedition is a genuinely good point (he lied about he reason), and he shouldn?t have been let anywhere near JFK?s body.

Offline Dillon Rankine

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #84 on: January 25, 2019, 12:37:33 PM »
I'm not convinced of it's plausibility. A bullet that shatters into several pieces of which one piece makes a small dent in the chrome fitting of the windshield and another an insignificant spiderweb crack on the windshield doesn't jive with another piece of lead flying off dozens of feet and striking concrete with enough force to cause concrete chips to make a small scratch on Teague's face. IMO, the only plausible scenario would be like the one Haag proposed. The first shot missed, hit the street pavement and shattered and a piece of lead from that shattered bullet struck the concrete close to Tague causing Tague's scratch to face. The part where that proposal I believe is difficult is that there was no apparent hole in the pavement on Elm St. found.

The other proposal that had some mileage was Holland's proposal that the first shot hit the street lamp steel tube and ricochet from there..etc..etc.. That proposal was found to be unlikely by experiments done by Haag, I believe. That would leave a fourth shot fired from somewhere but there's no evidence of a second shooter, IMHO.

I?d say the fragments were of varying sizes ergo more KE. I think Haag?s just said the bullet disintegrated, which I agree with, and the headshot fragment hit Tague

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #84 on: January 25, 2019, 12:37:33 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #85 on: January 25, 2019, 02:41:45 PM »
Not for me it isn't. Why would you expect a fragment to be found outside of the limo?  Tague was likely hit directly by a fragment from the head shot.

I would not expect all  fragments to remain inside the limo as all of the fragments found did not make up the weight for one 6.5mm WCC 160/61 grain bullet. What puzzles me is what I've already stated; the fragments found inside the limo did not have enough force to brake the windshield or penetrate the chrome molding on the windshield but had enough momentum to at least create a smudge on the concrete near where Tague was standing and that one was able to make a small scratch to Tague's cheek. I'll add that it seems to me that the fragment that created the scratch to the cheek had to have been very small, too small for it to have travelled the distance between the limo and Tague. By this I'm not eliminating the possibility of it happening it's just that it's difficult to accept it as happening. I think there's a better explanation that has not surfaced because the evidence has not been found.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2019, 02:43:27 PM »
Why would a second shooter be needed

That's the Cter version which I don't accept considering the lack of evidence of a second shooter.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #87 on: January 25, 2019, 02:52:13 PM »
I?d say the fragments were of varying sizes ergo more KE. I think Haag?s just said the bullet disintegrated, which I agree with, and the headshot fragment hit Tague

larry SPersonivant said that in his book JFK Myths. I believe Haag said that did not necessarily have to have disintegrated and that the hole left on the pavement would have been quickly covered up by the passing of vehicles. At least that's how I remeber it. If this were to be the case it would be a better explanation for the Tague wound than for a fragment of the third shot theory, IMHO. It  also better explains the lead smudge on the concrete. This part; smudge vs chipped concrete is one that deserves clarity. Was it a smudge or chipped concrete?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #87 on: January 25, 2019, 02:52:13 PM »