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Author Topic: The Fundamental Problem  (Read 54040 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2019, 10:55:49 PM »
Oswald as a patsy is nonsense. You CTers promote Oswald as such yet contend that he was a crappy shot with a crappy rifle and crappy ammo.

Can any of you lot not see the inherent contradiction there...

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2019, 10:55:49 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #57 on: January 24, 2019, 10:56:44 PM »
I agree with you about the Single bullet strike not occurring at Z190 but since when do bullets not travel in straight lines through air?

     Bump pertaining to claim of "straight line" bullet travel through air.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #58 on: January 24, 2019, 11:29:22 PM »
But not only that, Dr Humes waits until the FBI guys are gone and then proceeds to confirm what the magic bullet supposes...exit out the neck? You would think the Feds would be invited in to do some cartwheels.

Humes didn't know about the bullet wound in JFK's throat until he called Parkland hospital on SaPersonay........Friday night he was so damned inept that rather than examine the wound and track the path of the bullet he accepted that the bullet had been fired from high to the rear, and then tried to guess  where the bullet had gone. Even offering the thought that an ice bullet had made the wound .......  If he had tracked the bullet's path through JFK's body he would have known that the bullet struck JFK's throat and had passed out of his back.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #58 on: January 24, 2019, 11:29:22 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #59 on: January 24, 2019, 11:44:54 PM »

From the Clark Panel Report:

"The possibility that the path of the bullet through the neck might have been more satisfactorily explored by the insertion of a finger or probe was considered. Obviously the cutaneous wound in the back was too small to permit the insertion of a finger. The insertion of a metal probe would have carried the risk of creating a false passage in part, because of the changed relationship of muscles at the time of autopsy and in part because of the existence of postmortem rigidity. Although the precise path of the bullet could undoubtedly have been demonstrated by complete dissection of the soft tissue between the two cutaneous wounds, there is no reason to believe that the information disclosed thereby would alter significantly the conclusions expressed in this report."
« Last Edit: January 24, 2019, 11:46:07 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2019, 12:45:52 AM »
The HSCA Forensic Pathology Panel made repeated reference to disruption evident on the x-rays, namely fracture and displacement of the right transverse process of T1 and possible tiny fragments of bullet or bone. The exact location of the exit wound isn?t known. Don Thomas offered the following explanation,

?What might be supposed is that crushed muscle tissues, compressed by cavitation during passage of the bullet caused fracture and displacement of the vertebral processes allowing the bullet to pass through them.?

The exit wound isn't known? It's right where Dr Malcolm Perry created a bogus tracheostomy shortly after the intubation of the throat wound, which is highly irregular. JFK was likely already dead by then so it was done for no other reason than to obscure the throat wound, which probably looked too much like an entrance wound.

It didn?t change direction, as JBC wasn?t sat directly in front of JDL and neither man was sitting bolt upright.

How do you know that? What if it hit JFK's spine? If the MB entered JFK at T1 and exited at C7, then struck Connally below his armpit then it had to change direction because that is not a valid trajectory from the SN.
It?s disputed what stretcher it was found on, and there isn?t a ?wrong? answer, it?s JBC?s or the kid?s.

Sorry, I meant to say the MB was "planted" on the wrong stretcher.

?For every complex problem there is a solution which is simple, clear and wrong.? - H. L. Mencken.

The bullet was by no means undamaged, and the physics (equations used to determine whether it could survive) give different answers depending on data you plug in (frame of shot, impact velocity at JFK and JBC, etc) which differs from sources. Some data (particularly that found in the WC volumes and FBI tests) shows that SBT shot circa Z222-224 could produce a 399 bullet.

Nonsense. Show me a single example where a bullet causing 7 wounds smashing thru 3 bones would have no DNA on it, while the head shot bullet hits 1 bone and explodes.

Bullets don?t travel in straight lines. Especially after hitting a target. A problem exacerbated by rifling. Also bullet wounds in bodies are rarely paths?more often convoluted cavities of destroyed tissue (clinicians can actually fail to identify or distinguish inshoot and outshoot wounds, the determination of which is aided by associated morphological features).

Like any mass, bullets follow a parabolic path under gravity. However, their initial velocity is so high that the parabolic arc is almost negligible over short distances, such as from JFK's throat to Connally. So are you claiming that Oswald aimed high via the iron sights to compensate for gravity? Because he wasn't going to hit squat with the wonky scope on the rifle.

Not improbable (see above).

Yes improbable. (see above).

Not a near stop (see adjusted Z-film). I don?t know if Greer had been drinking the previous night, which could have affected his behaviour, but who knows why he slowed down.

Adjusted Z-film? Greer not only slowed down, he turned around to make sure the POTUS' head exploded before turning face front and stepping on the gas. Mission accomplished.


People aren?t callous lawyers?believe or not, people can have emotional reactions after a tragedy that result in maladaptive behaviour. The CT expectation that everybody turn into Sherlock Holmes and wish to preserve everything for the precious trail is ludicrous. Why did the FBI replace the windshield? Maybe because it big cracks in it. Not good for a future driver.

The FBI had an emotional response to JFK getting whacked and that's why they obliterated crucial evidence to the crime of the century? LOL

Staging the crime scene? Sure, the irresponsibly moved it around for the cameras but staged implies wicked intent you can?t substantiate, same with their ?delivery? of Oswald to Ruby.

Fritz approached the SN and saw 3 hulls in a tight group right next to the window. He walked over to them and PICKED THEM UP WITH HIS BARE HANDS and put them in his pocket. When has a police captain ever done that before, let alone while heading the investigation of the assassination of the POTUS? The ONLY reason he would do that is because he didn't think the in-situ arrangement of the hulls looked authentic. He later returned with a rookie cameraman, removed the hulls from his pocket then tossed them on the floor in a more favorable arrangement to stage the crime scene. And you see nothing wicked in that?

There?s nothing actually wrong with the backyard photos.

You haven't been paying attention if you think there is nothing wrong with the 1 BYP that Marina took. Or was it 2 and she burned 1?

Also not significant.

Several Medical staff at Bethesda swear they saw a "fist-sized" hole in the back of JFK's head and it isn't significant? LOL

I?ll give you 1 point for Humes? brining his notes. But unfortunately you lose it for believing in surgery.

Not just me. Several Doctors noted it.

More incompetent than suspicious. There should?ve been better pathologists there though. Half a point.

Suspiciously incompetent you mean. You'd think that they'd have a competent crew available for the emergency of the century.

Their entire basis for that claim was the acoustics.

Doubt it.

Not really making sense at this point, but still. 1 1/2 points ain?t bad.

It makes sense if you follow the logic. BTW how many points are required to make my point?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 01:04:19 AM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2019, 12:45:52 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2019, 01:17:59 AM »
The exit wound isn't known? It's right where Dr Malcolm Perry created a bogus tracheostomy shortly after the intubation of the throat wound, which is highly irregular. JFK was likely already dead by then so it was done for no other reason than to obscure the throat wound, which probably looked too much like an entrance wound.

How do you know that? What if it hit JFK's spine? If the MB entered JFK at T1 and exited at C7, then struck Connally below his armpit then it had to change direction because that is not a valid trajectory from the SN.
Sorry, I meant to say the MB was "planted" on the wrong stretcher.

Nonsense. Show me a single example where a bullet causing 7 wounds smashing thru 3 bones would have no DNA on it, while the head shot bullet hits 1 bone and explodes.

Like any mass, bullets follow a parabolic path under gravity. However, their initial velocity is so high that the parabolic arc is almost negligible over short distances, such as from JFK's throat to Connally. So are you claiming that Oswald aimed high via the iron sights to compensate for gravity? Because he wasn't going to hit squat with the wonky scope on the rifle.

Yes improbable. (see above).

Adjusted Z-film? Greer not only slowed down, he turned around to make sure the POTUS' head exploded before turning face front and stepping on the gas. Mission accomplished.

The FBI had an emotional response to JFK getting whacked and that's why they obliterated crucial evidence to the crime of the century? LOL

Fritz approached the SN and saw 3 hulls in a tight group right next to the window. He walked over to them and PICKED THEM UP WITH HIS BARE HANDS and put them in his pocket. When has a police captain ever done that before, let alone while heading the investigation of the assassination of the POTUS? The ONLY reason he would do that is because he didn't think the in-situ arrangement of the hulls looked authentic. He later returned with a rookie cameraman, removed the hulls from his pocket then tossed them on the floor in a more favorable arrangement to stage the crime scene. And you see nothing wicked in that?

You haven't been paying attention if you think there is nothing wrong with the 1 BYP that Marina took. Or was it 2 and she burned 1?

Several Medical staff at Bethesda swear they saw a "fist-sized" hole in the back of JFK's head and it isn't significant? LOL

Not just me. Several Doctors noted it.

Suspiciously incompetent you mean. You'd think that they'd have a competent crew available for the emergency of the century.

Doubt it.

It makes sense if you follow the logic. BTW how many points are required to make my point?

JFK was likely already dead by then so it was done for no other reason than to obscure the throat wound,

So it's your contention that Dr Perry was one of the conspirators??

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2019, 01:45:36 AM »
JFK was likely already dead by then so it was done for no other reason than to obscure the throat wound,

So it's your contention that Dr Perry was one of the conspirators??

I'd give him the benefit of the doubt if there was an innocent explanation for such gross incompetency, but why would he perform this procedure when there was already a breathing tube inserted into JFK's trachea? And wouldn't that procedure have killed him if he wasn't already dead?

If Dr Perry was instructed to perform the procedure under duress then I might cut him some slack, otherwise, you do the math.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 01:47:11 AM by Jack Trojan »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #63 on: January 25, 2019, 01:55:11 AM »
I'd give him the benefit of the doubt if there was an innocent explanation for such gross incompetency, but why would he perform this procedure when there was already a breathing tube inserted into JFK's trachea? And wouldn't that procedure have killed him if he wasn't already dead?

If Dr Perry was instructed to perform the procedure under duress then I might cut him some slack, otherwise, you do the math.

Perhaps you should review the actions taken in trama room #1......

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Fundamental Problem
« Reply #63 on: January 25, 2019, 01:55:11 AM »