Why would the fragment that struck Tague have had to been small? The fragments that struck the windshield and chrome piece did so with considerable force,
Because I believe Tague would have felt the impact of a large fragment. I don't think the fragment(s) that struck the windshield carried much force or else it would have done more damage to the windshield glass. Try this. Go outside and throw a small metal ball bearing against the windshield of your car and see what happens.

Just kidding, buddy. I just might try this experiment at a junkyard. IMHO, the fragment that struck the chrome part was CE-567 as there was no lead residue found on the dent. It's possible that CE-569 was still inside CE-567 during impact and then separated and that a much smaller lead fragment struck the windshield. I have no idea how much force it would take to make a dent on the chrome part and have no idea how far that fragment, let's say it was CE-567/69, would have travelled if it had not struck the chrome part but it just doesn't compute that an even smaller fragment could have travelled the distance from the limo to the curb and caused the smudge on the concrete. Ditto for the fragment that struck Tague. Look, I may be overstating the perceived force required to send fragments flying off toward Tague but it just doesn't compute in my mind.