*Exact* location isn?t known. C7 is a proposed inshoot. Bullet didn?t hit spine, take it you didn?t understand Thomas? explanation (which?using my superhuman precognitive powers I predict?you?ll claim you did and/or it didn?t make sense or something else that makes you out to be the smart one).

Here we go again. A closet lone nutter posing as the devil's advocate making excuses and obfuscating about anything that suggests a conspiracy. So do you believe the following x-ray, supplied by the conspirators as authentic?

Looks like the bullet smashed thru C7 to me. How about you?
Also only like 4 of the Parkland staff actually said the throat wound was an entry; the vast majority said their observations were conclusive enough (others did say they thought it would turn out to be one).
How many witnesses do you need, anyway? Besides, only Dr Perry's actions mattered, otherwise, looking like an entry wound to Parkland staff isn't as significant as the staff that saw the hole in the back of JFK's head.
You can?t know whether it was planted or where it was ?meant? to be so.
If the MB was not the same bullet that caused 7 wounds to JFK and Connally then it was planted. EOS.
Yeah! It?s not like the skull is harder than other bones or anything; they?re all the same. Just inconsistency after inconsistency, is obvs a conspiracy!
You mean that smashing thru C7, a rib and the radius bones leave the MB pristine yet thru the skull disintegrates a FMJ bullet? If you say so.
Strange, I don?t recall saying about Oswald or what sights he was using.
You implied it. You assume that Oswald took the shots, so why would marksman Oswald have kept a useless scope on the rifle? He would have needed to use the iron sights to pull off a 2 for 3 including a dead center head shot, that exploded in JFK's head.
You psychic now? You don?t and can?t know why he did what he did.
LOL. Of course I don't. But maybe you can show me where it says in the SS manual that you are supposed to slow down the limo to a near stop once you hear gunshots.
I robot. Preserve the crime scene. As we all know, 99.9% of all murders gonunsolved, so this obviously crucial.
Huh? Are you actually sticking with your assertion that the FBI was so distraught that they obliterated crucial evidence so they could get the limo back into service?
You. Don?t. Know. That! Fairly certain shoddy police activity was common in Dallas, 1963. Paranoid ideation: you?re seeing malicious intent or the part of everybody for no reason. The only possible explanation is that Fritz thought exactly this at exactly this nanosecond, because he and everyone else was horrible even conspirator man!
Clutching at straws now? There is NO excuse for Fritz to have done what he did to stage the crime scene. EOS.
There were 4, only 3 exist today. And no, nutjobs moaning about shadows means nothing. Read an actual analysis by actual experts.
I figured you were channeling Lamson via PM. And sorry, but I am a photogrammetrist that has done extensive analysis on the BYPs and I am more than willing to go over all my findings that suggest that the BYPs were part of Oswald's sheep-dipping and the DPD had a heavy hand in them, including what photo eventually got "leaked" to the public. But that photo was NOT taken with Oswald's Imperial Reflex camera and I can prove it. So exactly what does that tell you about nutjobs moaning about shadows?
Because human memory is a flawless system far superior to mere photographers, x-rays and movies of the actual gunshot.
But what if this was a conspiracy and you couldn't trust the photos, x-rays and movies?
The majority don?t. Pretty sloppy surgery too.
What majority are you talking about? And what was sloppy about straight cut surgery to cover up a bullet entrance wound?
Again, half a point.
Good thing you aren't in charge of assigning points because you aren't qualified.
Read it.
I did, which is why I doubt it.
?Logic.? I award points for any point I think was good. Humes? little fire is expedition is a genuinely good point (he lied about he reason), and he shouldn?t have been let anywhere near JFK?s body.
Without a doubt, Humes was a conspirator, which even you seem to acknowledge.