That's easy for you to say. I could just as easily claim that Oswald was at Odio's apartment on the 26th or 27th, so he couldn't possibly have been on a Continental Trailways bus on that date. Why are the McFarlands automatically more reliable than the Odios?
I'll tell you what's easy, JohnI. It's playing the role of Doubting Thomas/Devil's Advocate. The McFarland's have corroborating evidence while Silvia Odio only has her sister's alleged support of someone who looked like LHO was at her house. The Mexican Tourist Visa had Oswald entering Nuevo Laredo, Mexico time stamped on Sept 26, 1963. There's the additional paper trail and witness evidence that places Oswald in MC from Sept 26 - Oct 3. Nothing else backs Silvia's story. Even the alleged witnesses that she claims she told of the incident cast doubts on her claims. Father McKann told SSA that Silvia told him that Eugenio (war name for a JURE member) was one of the men that came to visit her along with Oswald. Silvia denies this and claims Father McKann just got the names confused. Odio claims that she told both her psychiatrist Dr. Einspruch and a friend that three men had come to visit her before the assassination. Both deny this story. In fact, her friend Mrs. Connell said that Silvia told her after the assassination that she had met Oswald at anti-Castro meetings. Silvia denied this, and here's the kicker. Antonio Alentado was one of the JURE leaders in Dallas and it would have only been natural that if some guys had come to see Silvia as members of JURE she would have notified Alentado. She said she had intended to but .......forgot

Plus, as has already been stated Silvia said she told her father Amador that one of the men (plural) was Leopoldo when the fact is that Amador asked Silvia not to trust anyone until she got the guys name. Amador also refers ro the singular instead of the plural as to the amigo. No reference is made by Amador to more than one person having visited Silvia. So, she lied to Liebler!