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Author Topic: The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald  (Read 3545 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« on: January 30, 2019, 01:13:30 AM »
From The Weekend That Was [Walt Brown]----------edited by me
Starting some weeks before the assassination....
On Friday, November 8, "Lee H. Oswald" [allegedly] wrote the famous [or infamous] "Dear Mr. Hunt" letter, and about all we know about that moment in time is that the handwriting certainly appears to be the script of so much other material -- conveniently available involving "Lee Oswald." Speculation as to the identity of "Mr. Hunt" usually narrows to either H.L. Hunt, or E. Howard Hunt, certainly not two chaps [British speak for individuals] separated at birth, but equally certainly two blokes [British speak for individuals] who had no real use, in any sense of the word, for John Kennedy.  "Lee Oswald" got a haircut at "Clifton's Barbershop" on Friday night, went grocery shopping on SaPersonay morning with Marina and Ruth Paine, took a test-drive in a Mercury Comet Caliente at high speeds around Stemmons Freeway on SaPersonay afternoon, and finished his afternoon with some twilight rifle practice-only a few shots with auto lights showing his target. On Sunday, when he was getting his driving lesson from Ruth Paine, he was also, simultaneously, back at the rifle range, acting obnoxious (if obnoxious required the sophomoric Oswald TO "act").
Of course for the record, NONE of those things happened.
Clifton Shasteen, owner of Clifton's Barbershop, located about nine blocks from the Paine residence, testified before the Warren Commission that Oswald came in on approximately six occasions in the time frame before the assassination; on some occasions, he was accompanied by a young boy, age approximate 14, who spouted politics as if Oswald had taught him what to say. Shasteen positively identified Oswald, based on the photos of Oswald taken when he was distributing "Fair Play" leaflets on August 16 in front of the International Trade Mart run by Clay Shaw -- in New Orleans. Shasteen recalled that he had cut Oswald's hair three times, and his other barbers had done the rest. Yet Oswald only returned FROM New Orleans to the Irving, Texas, area on October 4, and to get six haircuts between October 4 and November 8, a period of five weeks, would require a haircut every 5.8 days. If there was one job I would not have wanted to earn a living at in 1963, it would have been as Oswald's barber, as he was a cheapskate, and one who was very careful as to how he doled out his financial largesse. He was not also highly valued for his personal grooming skills.
Not only was he too cheap to spend money on barbers... it was mentioned by his companions at work [whenever he did work] that Oswald hated haircuts.
Mr. JENNER.  [He was wearing] Sneakers?
Mr. SHASTEEN. Yes; slip-ons, only they were a little heavy--they were just a little heavier than just a common house shoe, and I admired them and I said, "Them looks expensive," and he said, "They are not."
"He said, "I gave a dollar and a half for them." I said, "My goodness, where did you get a pair of house shoes for a dollar and a half?" And he said, "Down in Old Mexico."
Mr. JENNER. Down in Old Mexico?
 Mr SHASTEEN ..he said, "Well, I'll get you a pair the next time I'm down there,"
Mr. JENNER. How many times--you personally, now, without someone else having told you the boy was in the shop, how many times do you recall when he was in your shop?
Mr. SHASTEEN. The 14-year-old boy?
Mr. JENNER. Yes.
Mr. SHASTEEN. Three times--I know. In other words, I know he came with Oswald the night I'm talking about when he wanted to know where I was going and I went to the back door. You see, I seen them coming in and I did hurry to get out the back door.
Mr. JENNER. The boy came in?
Mr. SHASTEEN. He was with him that night and he was with him one other time.
Mr. JENNER. Can you fix that particular time?
Mr. SHASTEEN. Well, it was a couple of weeks and maybe 3 weeks before that night. 

There was no attempt to locate this youngster. The young man never came forward.
SaPersonay morning, November 9, Clifton Shasteen looked across the street to Hutch's Market, run by Leonard Hutchison. He saw "Oswald" along with a young woman, presumably Marina, and a slightly older woman, presumably Ruth Paine. Hutchison positively identified Oswald as the man he'd had numerous contacts with, as Oswald frequently bought milk and sweet rolls in the morning, and also tried to cash a $189 check -- on a Wednesday when "Oswald" would not have been in the Paine residence. Hutchison's testimony that Oswald regularly bought a gallon of milk brought a comment from Warren Commission Counsel Albert Jenner: "Now, the IRS might be interested in this." (Warren volumes, 10:337)
  to be continued

JFK Assassination Forum

The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« on: January 30, 2019, 01:13:30 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2019, 03:50:51 PM »
Mr. JENNER. On the occasions you saw this man would you describe his appearance so far as his attire is concerned? How was he dressed?
Mr. SHASTEEN. The best I remember is that he had on some kind of coveralls, nearly every time he came in.
Mr. JENNER. Coveralls?
Mr. SHASTEEN. Yes; he wore unionalls or coveralls, you know, sir. were G.I., of some description and they were green or a khaki-colored. The only time he wasn't dressed that way when he came in the shop was the night I went to the football game and that night he had on a pair of old worn out dress pants of some kind, they were dark, and he had on a sports shirt with his shirttail out.
Mr. JENNER. Let me get at these coveralls--would you describe them?
Mr. SHASTEEN. They buttoned down the front.
Mr. JENNER. They buttoned down the front and they had sleeves--it was a one-piece unit?
                             Did Oswald wear farmer john overalls?
Mr. JENNER. You have a distinct recollection that on occasions when this man came into your shop for a haircut, he drove an automobile up to your shop?
Mr. SHASTEEN. He drove that there 1955, I think it's a 1955, I'm sure it's a 1955 Chevrolet station wagon. It's either blue and white or green and white it's two-toned--I know that. Now, why I say--why I take it for granted that Mrs. Paine was with him when he come to the grocery store I do remember he wasn't driving when they would come to the grocery store, there would be a lady driving and I'm assuming that that' was Mrs. Paine, because like I say, I have been--I have never been close enough to her and knew it, to speak to her, but she trades at the service station where I do and I saw her in there and I never did pay any attention to her and I saw her passing, met her in the road in the car and those things.
Mr. JENNER. Were there any occasions when you have a recollection as to his being accompanied by more than one person?
Mr. SHASTEEN. Yes; that's what I said--I saw him and two ladies get out and go in the store.
                      Was this our Lee?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2019, 10:06:08 PM »
Continued..                             Did Oswald wear farmer john overalls?
                      Was this our Lee?

I don't think so.....  There isn't a hint that Lee ever routinely wore coveralls .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2019, 10:06:08 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2019, 04:48:13 PM »
Here is the Lancer link that chronicles the Oswald sightings that were released from various FBI files. Why were they concealed from the public for so long?     ???
Four page story.......   
by Chris W. Courtwright Presented to JFK Lancer's *November in Dallas* Conference on November 21, 1997

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2019, 01:23:41 PM »
Hardly mentioned in the HSCA report is the 'Dobb's House Oswald'.....
Mary Ada Dowling was a waitress there and told the FBI that she served Oswald breakfast around 10 AM on Wednesday Nov 20 1963. She knew Ptm J D Tippit  and he had frequented the Dobbs House located on N Beckley near Oswald's room. Tippit was there when her 'Oswald' complained loudly about the service. "Tippit gave Oswald a glance" she reported, but also said they didn't appear to know each other. We know for a fact that Lee Oswald was at work at the TSBD at that time.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Various Manifestations of Lee Oswald
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2019, 01:23:41 PM »