LOL. The Hidell IDs form the basis of your OP premise that the DPD would have been delayed in determining Oswald's identity. And therefore could have not have provided his name to Hoover/FBI prior to Hoover making reference to him. Whew. If the Hidell IDs were not in the wallet, then there would be no reason for the DPD not know Oswald's identity from the time they checked his wallet just after his arrest at 1:50. So you have to make a decision here - either the Hidell IDs were in the wallet (creating some ambiguity/delay as to his identity or they were not in which case there would no delay in identifying the suspect and providing that info to Hoover).
There is no doubt, however, that the Hidell IDs were in the wallet. They are listed on the FBI report as items taken from his arrest wallet on Nov. 22. In addition, there is the confirmation of those in the car who checked Oswald's wallet.
The Hidell IDs form the basis of your OP premise that the DPD would have been delayed in determining Oswald's identity. No, it does not..... I clearly said that Hoover at FBI headquarters in Wash. DC knew the identity of the man that the Dallas Police dragged from the Texas Theater before the police had established his identity. I did say that Fritz asked him if he used an alias ....Fritz asked Lee about the AJ Hidell name on SAPersonAY 11/23/63
If the Hidell card had been in Lee's wallet on Friday 11/22/63 Fritz would have asked about it because he did ask Lee if he used the name OH LEE......AND according to the FBI memo of James Bookhout for SaPersonay November 23rd ...
...quote...." Oswald declined to explain his possession of a
photograph of a selective service card in the name of ALEK JAMES HIDELL"...unquote
So the first appearance of the name Hidell was on SaPersonay.... And Bookhout described the item as a PHOTOGRAPH of a selective service card.... And even a dimwit would know that a PHOTOGRAPH of a Selective service card is NOT an ID card anymore than a PHOTOGRAPH of a hundred dollar bill is legal tender.