You're not distracting from my point - you're making my point.
If someone says that one or more of the other assassination films - other than Zapruder - are authentic
Then the burden is on them is to show the inconsistencies between that unaltered film and the altered Z-film...we should be able to see the inconsistencies, right ?
If someone says the opposite, that in addition to Zapruder none of the other films are authentic
Then the burden of proof is on them to show how films like Muchmore or Nix are in perfect sync with the Zapruder film - yet somehow were publicly available within days after the assassination despite going through very different chains of custody
If the alterationists can demonstrate how either one of the above is even *possible* - let alone probable - then I'll be the first guy to listen.
If they can't, then what they're suggesting has no possible basis in fact, and I tend to disregarded it as illogical...
My point was focused more on your second observation - how did "they" get possession of the Muchmore, Nix et al. films? They had to at the very least review them to make sure their alterations of the Z film wouldn't be exposed by these other films. Then they had to either alter those films and make them in sync with the changes in the Z film or somehow make the changes in the Z film synchronize with the other films while not being exposed by them.
But first they had to review them, get possession of them. Wouldn't they?
Furthermore, how would they not know that these other films
by themselves wouldn't reveal their conspiracy? That they didn't show a shooter on the knoll? That they showed there was no one in the sniper's nest? Forget having them expose the alterations in the Z film; what if they exposed their framing of Oswald?
Here's a closeup of the 6th floor taken from the Hughes' film. The sniper's nest is on the right. This was taken, apparently, about seven seconds before the first shot (yeah, whenever that really was). What if Hughes had continued filming for another 10 seconds? And it showed no shooter?
This is absurd. As I asked above, are there any limits to what "they" could have done? Seemingly many in the conspiracy world - or those that believe in the Z alteration - there wasn't.
There was no alteration of the Z film done to hide what actually happened.
And don't get me started on the claim that JFK's wounds were altered <g>.