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Author Topic: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?  (Read 50547 times)

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #88 on: April 18, 2018, 10:21:38 PM »
It does not disprove its' authenticity, it disproves the carefully scripted witnesses statements involved in the plot/scheme to assassinate the President.       You have just fallen into my hands.   Really, the FBI, CIA and Secret Service find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place.  You can't have the cake and eat it too!     They need to discredit the rest of the film but keep Z313/314 as they really need that for de facto evidence to complete the framing of a lone dead gunman LHO who did it all!

So in your opinion, you can't use the Z313/Z314 frames as they are not authentic.     How do you convict LHO?  These frames are produced as the infallible evidence used to convict LHO of a crime he didn't commit.    I would not go so far to say that he wasn't somehow involved, but I don't think he realized he was going to be killed for his sins in the plot!   We know that he must have had serious ties to his handlers as he had trips to Russia and Cuba that must have been funded by someone!    Those 2 slides collaborate the evidence of finding a sniper rifle in the sniper's nest in TSBD building!   A few frames were released at the time showing this to the WC but the bulk of the  film wasn't released for 10 years into the public domain.    The public cried for some pictures so some had to come out!   Why do you suppose this was done?    By saying what you have stated in your statement, you are admitting someone had wrongfully used this film as the concrete evidence to convict LHO.     What was the purpose of not letting the American Public see this film at the time?    The cameraman who took the pictures of the TBSD window, bus, theater and others entered as evidence is just too coincidental to have been real.   He was never even interviewed but disappeared from the scene!

You have just admitted to a real conspiracy - whatever statement you make debating its authenticity points the fingers to those who held this film for many years and chose not to let people see it in its entirety!   Who had a "copy" of it?  How many were made and how was it kept from being "leaked" out?

I will admit its authenticity must be questioned because of the modifications made to it.   That is why you have to ask who would want to modify and why was that necessary?   Z313, Z314 and look at Z335 where you see part of the President's head "erased" and blended in by a blouse.  You can't say the film wasn't modified.   Anyone that says that is lying!   As you said, overwhelming evidence that Jacqueline face and eyes were not covered in brain matter, blood spatter from the Z313/Z314 supposed "plume shots with explosive bullets is not there.    The reason it wasn't there is because it didn't happen that way!   If you look at the film without looking at individual slides, you will miss the modifications made.   Playing the film back, you don't see any problems with the storyline as it happens so fast!   Nelly Connally even goes so far to say that Jacqueline Kennedy had the President's brain in her hands if you watch her interview!     This film was modified.  If you admit that, you have to question why was it necessary if you are seeking the truth and why a coverup was necessary?

You only have to ask yourself 1 question. Where is the original Z film? Life and Z got copies. There are at least 2 obvious splices in the copies, which can only mean 1 thing: The FBI conspired to edit the film to "scrub" out any contradictions to the LN narrative. Otherwise, why else would the FBI hide the original film? And where the hell is it?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #88 on: April 18, 2018, 10:21:38 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #89 on: April 19, 2018, 12:49:31 AM »
You only have to ask yourself 1 question. Where is the original Z film? Life and Z got copies. There are at least 2 obvious splices in the copies, which can only mean 1 thing: The FBI conspired to edit the film to "scrub" out any contradictions to the LN narrative. Otherwise, why else would the FBI hide the original film? And where the hell is it?

    There are Many issues with the Current Zapruder Film. The most obvious being the Start/Stop/Start sequence at the beginning of the film, and the Sudden appearance of the JFK Limo after having completed the turn onto Elm & now in transit down Elm St.  By No coincidence, this Missing JFK Limo footage would also have included the Records Building in the background.   

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #90 on: April 19, 2018, 02:28:26 AM »
Cherry pick? Poisoned Well?  Not really!  The film's origin was authentic.  Abraham Zapruder filmed it and his position is well known and can be verified.    Someone modified it to support the story line and framing of the lone gunman LHO.  That is true and I agree 100%.   
 It is authentic and it was not a Hollywood Production done years later.   Some frames match the originals posted in the Life article.  Only ones that never had modification applied to them were used however!   The important ones like Z313 and on and the real kill shots were not part of the Life Magazine article.   I am sorry.   Therefore it can't be said that the film is not credible and crucial piece of evidence to solve the mystery.
No, the film is real and the lack of brain matter and blood spraying in Jacqueline's face is also real.   It never happened.  Frame Z313 shows a distinct line at the front of JFK's face going up at an angle and would be indicative of a shot coming from behind (although it looks like a ruler line).    If that didn't spray her with brain and blood matter, there was no bullet - plain and simple and it was drawn in!  In fact it doesn't look authentic!

Furthermore, dead men with a massive head shot like that shown on Z313, don't move back in their seat and raise their arm just prior to the real shots coming in.    Having no one report that move from any witness is also telling.   There are many theories that the shots came from the front and so the human blood and brain matter would exit out of the rear of the skull.   In this case, the front remains relatively clean.  This makes sense as to why Jacqueline is able to continue to observe her husband without being blinded.  Kennedy's move after being hit in the neck behind the sign many frames earlier means that he was maybe a little slow in reaction but still very conscious at Z322!  No, this film is very credible. 

Modifying or removing frames just means corrections were made to match the "frame job of LHO" and to keep the volley of bullets hitting the car coming only from the 6th floor TSBD building.    Withholding the release of the film, it further points the finger at someone not wanting it to be in the public domain and for good reason.    Modification points a finger at the Department of Justice and other internal organizations that are not accountable to Congress or Government.   After all why was the killing of a President investigated by a handpicked Warren Commission and not a Grand Jury?

Yes, there is a well that was poisoned but it is not the Zapruder Film!   It is the SYSTEM. That well is deep and involves a number of organizations that operate above the law, meddles and controls world affairs and the politics of other countries, start wars and keeps the governments in perpetual debt to it.   Like JFK, anyone that threatens it, is removed!  The Kennedy's and the likes of Trumps are not supposed to be in politics period as they interfere with the NWO.

The left side of JFK's brain was virtually undamaged as I understand it. The injury was referred to, in some quarters, as a shattering-type wound, partially blowing out the right side and top of the head, apparently. Clearly seen in Zap. This, arguably, explains why Jackie avoided a bloody face-wash.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 04:37:49 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #90 on: April 19, 2018, 02:28:26 AM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #91 on: April 19, 2018, 07:48:43 AM »
The left side of JFK's brain was virtually undamaged as I understand it. The injury was a referred in some quarters a shattering type, partially blowing out the right side and top of the head, apparently. Clearly seen in Zap. This, arguably, explains why Jackie avoided a bloody face-wash.

Look at the facts once more:

1) The plume visible in Z313 at an angle distributed 6 feet above the car clearly shows an incredible and unavoidable mist at the front of his head.  The view of her face is blocked by the spray.
2) The car movement forwards would also help scatter this on her face.  It is shown in Z313 as a massive cloud which would have had to have distributed itself!
3)  The reports of motorcycle policemen passing behind on Jacqueline's side also reported being struck with body tissue (6 to 8 feet away)
4)  Jacqueline's distance a mere 12 to 18 inch distance without even a flinch in the film sequence just following Z313  pretty much dismisses a right side blowout coming from the TBSD (up and behind) and staying on his side of the car!  Her face was facing his direction too!
5)  She has no reaction until after Z329/Z330 upon which time she notices something very much has happened and that unusually matches the red blur masking the President's entire head!  As I said earlier,  JFK's face goes from white to that of dark red. (Just after you see the massive windshield glass shatter reflected in the light.    Clint Hill is in ducking motion and out of way by Z322 to avoid being hit.   
6) The mere fact that JFK goes back in his seat and raises his right arm is too coincidental with Clint Hill ducking and going forward at the very same instant.   If there was hard braking of vehicle, you could say Clint Hill lurched forward as a result.  However that motion is exact opposite to a supposed limp Kennedy's reaction.  Weakened by an earlier visible neck shot when he stops wavings and places his hands near his neck, he reacts in the exact opposite Clint Hill!

Bullets from the front explain rather nicely why Jackie avoided a bloody face-wash, please and thank you!   You would be foolish to think that an explosive round such as that exhibited in Z313/Z314 complete with a lingering mist in those frames could miss Jacqueline's face.  There was lack of expression change just after Z313 as well but before Z329 indicating nothing has changed other than her trying to figure out where he was injured in the neck shot.    Could we not draw a conclusion that inbound bullets never occurred there?  Remember that is evidence only required to frame LHO and make it look like the shots came from behind!

You can't help but see the expression change in Z335 when she decides to leave the car - wondering if she is going to survive!  Her clean face with eyes getting very large and in shock - no indication of splatter and there are some very clear Zapruder frames in this area.  Look closely at Z335 and you can see Jacqueline's left shoulder in the frame, see the position of Kennedy's ear and absolutely nothing in front of it.  It sure looks like an edited picture to me!  His head is cut off!   Kind of a "wet" gold nugget (sunlight reflection of course) below Jacqueline's clearly visible shoulder.  If that frame wasn't edited, Kennedy had no head at all from the ear forward to try to save at hospital or to even take a picture at a morgue.   It was edited out of the picture obviously as you can't reconstruct that big of a mess and end up with a head later on for a funeral!   That was a rather serious edit on that particular frame!

You couple that with the man coming from the front of the car (some would like to call him Macolm Summers) having his head totally scratched out of the frame on Lightbox Z347 (intentionally obliterated???) leads a conspiracist to question that maybe this man who rolls into the grass has more to do with a windshield  shot than meets the eye and is a key character in the assassination scene!    At frames z363 the family with the small child remains virtually motionless and emotionless - that is unexplained!   Why is there only one massive reaction (movement done by  one guy rolling across from the front of the car -  my assumption) while everyone else close remains motionless in the pictures?  You would have thought the next couple with the child would have some reaction after hearing gun shots and seeing a man rolling in the grass.  Wouldn't  the child be covering his face in horror?  Instead no responses.  They missed looking over and seeing the guy beside them running and rolling?

Again,  Kennedy's hand and head movement is extremely meaningful if he is reacting to something he saw at the front of the limousine.   Who would think that a shot taking out his entire front of head at Z313 would cause his head to move back in the seat (about a foot) against the bullet flow and at the same time causing him to raise his right arm up.  That looks like a pure defensive move to me!   Tie it together and you have a very close frontal shot, no splatter on any occupant's in the car and a dead President!  No one else hurt! 

Of course, no eye witnesses observed or ever recorded that very obvious head movement and arm lifting visible in the Zapruder Frames!  Maybe it was all masked by the cloud of misty vapor?   I would guess it was a well executed script to thwart out the possibility of having to deal with more than just one lone gunman who was killed before he could talk and proclaim his innocence.  Yes, it had to be a deranged nut with no motive at all!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 07:51:11 AM by Allan Fritzke »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #92 on: April 19, 2018, 04:56:36 PM »
Look at the facts once more:

1) The plume visible in Z313 at an angle distributed 6 feet above the car clearly shows an incredible and unavoidable mist at the front of his head.  The view of her face is blocked by the spray.
2) The car movement forwards would also help scatter this on her face.  It is shown in Z313 as a massive cloud which would have had to have distributed itself!
3)  The reports of motorcycle policemen passing behind on Jacqueline's side also reported being struck with body tissue (6 to 8 feet away)
4)  Jacqueline's distance a mere 12 to 18 inch distance without even a flinch in the film sequence just following Z313  pretty much dismisses a right side blowout coming from the TBSD (up and behind) and staying on his side of the car!  Her face was facing his direction too!
5)  She has no reaction until after Z329/Z330 upon which time she notices something very much has happened and that unusually matches the red blur masking the President's entire head!  As I said earlier,  JFK's face goes from white to that of dark red. (Just after you see the massive windshield glass shatter reflected in the light.    Clint Hill is in ducking motion and out of way by Z322 to avoid being hit.   
6) The mere fact that JFK goes back in his seat and raises his right arm is too coincidental with Clint Hill ducking and going forward at the very same instant.   If there was hard braking of vehicle, you could say Clint Hill lurched forward as a result.  However that motion is exact opposite to a supposed limp Kennedy's reaction.  Weakened by an earlier visible neck shot when he stops wavings and places his hands near his neck, he reacts in the exact opposite Clint Hill!

Bullets from the front explain rather nicely why Jackie avoided a bloody face-wash, please and thank you!   You would be foolish to think that an explosive round such as that exhibited in Z313/Z314 complete with a lingering mist in those frames could miss Jacqueline's face.  There was lack of expression change just after Z313 as well but before Z329 indicating nothing has changed other than her trying to figure out where he was injured in the neck shot.    Could we not draw a conclusion that inbound bullets never occurred there?  Remember that is evidence only required to frame LHO and make it look like the shots came from behind!

You can't help but see the expression change in Z335 when she decides to leave the car - wondering if she is going to survive!  Her clean face with eyes getting very large and in shock - no indication of splatter and there are some very clear Zapruder frames in this area.  Look closely at Z335 and you can see Jacqueline's left shoulder in the frame, see the position of Kennedy's ear and absolutely nothing in front of it.  It sure looks like an edited picture to me!  His head is cut off!   Kind of a "wet" gold nugget (sunlight reflection of course) below Jacqueline's clearly visible shoulder.  If that frame wasn't edited, Kennedy had no head at all from the ear forward to try to save at hospital or to even take a picture at a morgue.   It was edited out of the picture obviously as you can't reconstruct that big of a mess and end up with a head later on for a funeral!   That was a rather serious edit on that particular frame!

You couple that with the man coming from the front of the car (some would like to call him Macolm Summers) having his head totally scratched out of the frame on Lightbox Z347 (intentionally obliterated???) leads a conspiracist to question that maybe this man who rolls into the grass has more to do with a windshield  shot than meets the eye and is a key character in the assassination scene!    At frames z363 the family with the small child remains virtually motionless and emotionless - that is unexplained!   Why is there only one massive reaction (movement done by  one guy rolling across from the front of the car -  my assumption) while everyone else close remains motionless in the pictures?  You would have thought the next couple with the child would have some reaction after hearing gun shots and seeing a man rolling in the grass.  Wouldn't  the child be covering his face in horror?  Instead no responses.  They missed looking over and seeing the guy beside them running and rolling?

Again,  Kennedy's hand and head movement is extremely meaningful if he is reacting to something he saw at the front of the limousine.   Who would think that a shot taking out his entire front of head at Z313 would cause his head to move back in the seat (about a foot) against the bullet flow and at the same time causing him to raise his right arm up.  That looks like a pure defensive move to me!   Tie it together and you have a very close frontal shot, no splatter on any occupant's in the car and a dead President!  No one else hurt! 

Of course, no eye witnesses observed or ever recorded that very obvious head movement and arm lifting visible in the Zapruder Frames!  Maybe it was all masked by the cloud of misty vapor?   I would guess it was a well executed script to thwart out the possibility of having to deal with more than just one lone gunman who was killed before he could talk and proclaim his innocence.  Yes, it had to be a deranged nut with no motive at all!

Kennedy's hand and head movement is extremely meaningful if he is reacting to something he saw at the front of the limousine


Same goes for the rest of your post

Seek help

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #92 on: April 19, 2018, 04:56:36 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #93 on: April 19, 2018, 05:05:50 PM »

Same goes for the rest of your post

Seek help

Cool rebuttal, bro.

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #94 on: April 19, 2018, 06:37:43 PM »
Bill's Response to my offered explanation:

Kennedy's hand and head movement is extremely meaningful if he is reacting to something he saw at the front of the limousine


Same goes for the rest of your post

Seek help

I was counting on you to enlighten me - "Seek help from you"!!

So Bill ..... you can start by giving your opinion as to why no one notes that rather large head and arm movement in any reports!    Why there is no splatter on Jacqueline's face?  I guess you answered that one by saying it was on the RH side of the face so the spray was directed only to his side and up  and that is  "shattering type" injury was in a direction in every other direction than on Jacqueline's face.   If anything the wind blew it in the direction of the grassy knoll I guess!   The mist floated in that  direction only - even though others all over the car reported something different!  No testimony from Jacqueline herself.    Witnesses more reliable than the picture evidence presented as it doesn't match their scripts would be your suggestion I could only assume!  The visual image is very much at odds with testimonial evidence from those closes to the scene!

I guess you just classify the "Kennedy move" as an involuntary movement do to a bullet strike from behind - must be nerves?  It was a "knee jerk reaction" against the force propelling him forwards from the bullet's impact!  Who wouldn't push back against when you are missing your head as shown in frame Z335!  (Even though a fully present face was seen again after the mist subsided.  The face was present until Z329!)
Did you even look at the frames Z313/314 ,Z322, Z329/330, Z335 and Z347 or are you just talking through your hat?  Your attempt at a reply is to knock down the writer rather than refute the evidence.    Witnesses more reliable than film I would have to assume is your statement of facts?    You are obviously making a rhetorical statement because you don't have any worthwhile rebuttal or answer and are only playing the devil's advocate!

Post something worthwhile:   - a rebuttal would have been nice rather than posting for the sake of posting!    Of the 454 posts you have made this year,  How many posts have you offered as solutions?    "Any statement that is intended to not have any feedback, output, or response is known as a rhetorical statement and useless.     A good starting point for a LNer!    This is exactly what you did here!   No solution is offered except to suggest that it is a wildly outlandish cockamanie statement!    Put some facts behind your dismissal of the film's evidence and its tampering please!   Paint us a coherent picture of this part of the film's scene and interpret it - I beg you!  Give us the whole story!  "You might even want to include the driver's 1/18 of a second neck turn and the white marker in the grass!  How was that all possible if not tampered with?

Here are the visual cues from the images that I would like to see you include in your story line!    It would be good to include,   lack of spray on Jacqueline's face 12 inches away from an explosive bullet,  large head and arm movement of JFK,  Clint Hill quickly moving forward in a ducking motion at same instant,  glass shatter seen in light and the front of head totally missing in Z335.  Include a rendition of a wipe out of a face in lightbox  Z347.          Give it a whirl, as I need a coherent rebuttal statement so I can adjust my statement of logic of what took place in those 3 or 4 seconds of Zapruder's film.     Give more than a rhetorical statement!   We can reach synergy - unfortunately that doesn't seem to be your goal to find a mutually agreeable solution based on presented facts in photo images!   

« Last Edit: April 19, 2018, 06:52:36 PM by Allan Fritzke »

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #95 on: April 19, 2018, 06:45:22 PM »
Dino Brugioni worked on the original Zapruder film SaPersonay night Nov. 23 ( Reply 87 on this subject page 9 ) Brugioni says the head shot spray of blood goes 3-4 feet in the air and that the spray which starts on Z313 goes well into the next several frames. This work was done at the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center ( NPIC ) . Brugioni said the Z-film was very clear . They were shocked at what they saw. Brugioni's team used " 2 " briefing boards which contained between 12 and 15 prints . Not known by Brugioni was the fact that later that evening Nov. 24th , another team came in to do another (4) briefing boards which are the boards that are seen at the National Archives . This tells us that Brugioni's 2 briefing boards must have shown some prints that the CIA did not want anyone to see. The second team actually finished their work on their 4 briefing boards early Monday morning the 25th day of November and the day that JFK was laid to rest.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: How long does it take to alter hundreds of frames of film?
« Reply #95 on: April 19, 2018, 06:45:22 PM »