Good point. Both Marina and Frazier have freely expressed doubts about Oswald's guilt. But we must believe they are still too scared to set the record straight by confirming that Oswald didn't go to Irving on Thursday. LOL I thought I had heard it all by now from CTers but that one is a real whopper. Conspiracy theory in this case is, at its core, a child-like faith that anyone who provides evidence of Oswald's guilt is suspect and a liar. Even if these same people are relied upon in other instances to support his innocence. Like Frazier and his two-foot long bag. Imagine the plan behind that one in this context. They get Frazier to lie about Oswald going to Irving and carrying a long bag to frame Oswald but then he won't confirm that the bag (which would not have existed at all if Oswald didn't actually make that trip) was long enough to carry the rifle. The entire intent of this fabrication. That is fall on the ground laughing material.
I agree. This is the first assassination of a political figure that I know of, where two targets
had to be in place at the same time
Yes - we see the President approaching. There is no bubble top on the limo and no SS
on the back bumper. Is it a go?
That depends - Is the patsy in place? Is the evidence to frame the patsy in place, as well?
Well, the evidence is planted but last night the patsy was struck with a bowel disorder.
He's in the hospital.
Do it anyway ... We'll still make him look like he did it.