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Author Topic: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos  (Read 18617 times)

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2019, 01:35:25 AM »
      STOP being naivete. "Gerrymandering" was going on well before either You or I was born. Same goes for your sophomoric weeping about "voter suppression". Neither party has a monopoly on attempting to "Suppress" the vote. Both parties have their finger prints all over this tactic.  As for your claim about Trump losing the popular vote, Trump WON the popular vote in 49 states. Hillary won Kooky Calif . As Casey Stengle would say, "You can look it up".

You mean naive, not naivete. And holy sh*t are you Trumptard hold-outs ever naive. Of course gerrymandering was going on before we were born and who was it aimed at?  Democrats of course.  So Trump lost the popular vote because of the 3 mil illegal voters in CA? :D You have truly drank the Orange Koolaid my friend, good luck with that in 2020!
« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 01:38:52 AM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2019, 01:35:25 AM »

Offline Paul May

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2019, 01:38:30 AM »
     :D  :D  :D  You are obviously WAY Over your head when it comes to politics. Completely Remove/Subtract Kooky Calif from the Total vote, and Trump Wins the Total Popular Vote over the remaining 49 states.

Hey genius, your claim was ?Trump won the popular vote in 49 states?.  That is YOUR quote.  And it?s a blatant lie. He won the popular vote in 30 states, not 49. You actually don?t understand the math do You?

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2019, 02:00:28 AM »
Paul,    Learn from this....  Simply because you view the glass as half full, and I say it's half empty does not mean that you're right..... 

However, when we both can view evidence and see with our own eyes that you are desperately attempting to hammer a square peg in a round hole ( actually you're attempting to present a nearly pristine bullet as the projectile that shattered JBC's rib and wrist  and only lost a tiny fraction of it's original weight, and remained in nearly pristine condition.)    I'm here to tell ya Paul.... that idea is INSANE!

Post the CE 399 image. I dare you...

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2019, 02:00:28 AM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2019, 02:54:31 AM »
                Trump won the Blue Wall States because Hillary/Dems took them for granted and they Failed to campaign there. The "Rooskies" stuff and "voter suppression" is just an excuse for their having ignored those states. Pure & Simple Dem. ARROGANCE.

 Thumb1: and in 2020 the Dems are going to lose the same states due to pandering to the far left.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2019, 05:01:41 PM »
You mean naive, not naivete. And holy sh*t are you Trumptard hold-outs ever naive. Of course gerrymandering was going on before we were born and who was it aimed at?  Democrats of course.  So Trump lost the popular vote because of the 3 mil illegal voters in CA? :D You have truly drank the Orange Koolaid my friend, good luck with that in 2020!

     The number of possible "illegal" votes cast in Calif is immaterial. The point is THAT single state tilted the winner of the Total votes cast in the election. Trump won the popular vote Total in the Other 49 states. Calif is a complete mess. San Fran permits defecating in the streets, and then daily Pays crews to clean it up. Now that they have a new Gov manning that pencil with the Big Eraser on the end means we will see how long it takes for the skeletons to begin falling out of the closet. It was Not that long ago that massive rolling Black Outs were mandated there. The current mass exodus in that Sanctuary State speaks for itself.   
« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 05:05:03 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2019, 05:01:41 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2019, 10:08:49 PM »
Walt, ONCE again you are in error. Firstly, only a bullet NEVER fired can be pristine.  There is NO such thing as ?nearly? pristine.  It?s an oxymoron.  Secondly, we have no way of knowing the weight of CE-399 before the shooting as even bullets from the same lots at manufacture can be significantly different in weight.  Hence, there is NO way of knowing how much weight was lost.  You simply read conspiracy crap and repeat the same BS. Ever done any actual research Walt?

we have no way of knowing the weight of CE-399 before the shooting as even bullets from the same lots at manufacture can be significantly different in weight.

You are simply a liar, Mr May....  Bullets CANNOT be "significantly different in weight".... To make such a statement is asinine. I will look up the manufacturing spec for a 6.5mm 160 grain bullet and report back....

I found this interesting bit of information.....

 the standard Italian service round used an unstable round-nosed bullet with a propensity to tumble, whether hitting soft tissue/ballistic gel or harder material such as bone.

The liars on LBJ's Cover Up Committee would like us to believe that CE 399 hit JFK ....then Hit JBC rib and then his wrist and remained in nearly pristine condition....

I believe that a 160 grain FMJ 6.5mm Carcano bullet could weigh between 158.8 grains and  161.2 grains .....  That is NOT a SIGNIFICANT difference.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 11:13:45 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2019, 11:31:07 PM »
     The number of possible "illegal" votes cast in Calif is immaterial. The point is THAT single state tilted the winner of the Total votes cast in the election. Trump won the popular vote Total in the Other 49 states. Calif is a complete mess. San Fran permits defecating in the streets, and then daily Pays crews to clean it up. Now that they have a new Gov manning that pencil with the Big Eraser on the end means we will see how long it takes for the skeletons to begin falling out of the closet. It was Not that long ago that massive rolling Black Outs were mandated there. The current mass exodus in that Sanctuary State speaks for itself.

Trump only won the popular vote in 30 states, not 49. But because of the electoral college the only states that mattered were Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. I didn't vote for Clinton but I sure as hell wasn't going to vote for a bullspombleprofglidnoctobunsting sociopath that was so far up Putin's ass he could see Sarah Palin's house. What I don't get is why the GOP STILL loves him even though they know he's been in bed with the commies for decades. A couple at his last rally were wearing t-shirts that said "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat". It's come to this. Sad.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2019, 12:17:01 AM »
Trump only won the popular vote in 30 states, not 49. But because of the electoral college the only states that mattered were Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. I didn't vote for Clinton but I sure as hell wasn't going to vote for a bullspombleprofglidnoctobunsting sociopath that was so far up Putin's ass he could see Sarah Palin's house. What I don't get is why the GOP STILL loves him even though they know he's been in bed with the commies for decades. A couple at his last rally were wearing t-shirts that said "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat". It's come to this. Sad.

     Fitting that today the new Kooky Calif Gov cancelled that boondoggle Bullet Train.  Billions $$$ Over budget and decades behind schedule.
     1 of the Many side effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome is the loss of a sense of humor. It is never too late to seek help.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: YouTube no longer recommending conspiracy videos
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2019, 12:17:01 AM »