Hello Mr Ford. Firstly I gather you have no issue with the original proposal. Brennan?s observations of the TSBD were after 12.24.
Given that we know Williams was on the 6th floor at this time as Jarman and Norman were on their way to the fifth floor. After their arrival Williams leaves. He was in the SN, as shown by the statements of those officers first on the scene. His lunch was found there, not 2 or 3 sets of windows westward.
Williams shirt was certainly a greenish colour. Perhaps someone would post the picture. Could it not be described as khaki? Rowland also mentioned a greenish shirt for the black man in the SN......coincidence? As for Brennan mistaking the two as one person, maybe he simply saw the back of Williams leaving and the assassin entering.....assumed it to be one person.....impossible?
Rowland"s description of the man?s age could also simply be mistaken.....when did that white stuff get in Williams' hair? He had white stuff all over his clothes too......maybe it was this presentation that deceived Rowland.....impossible?
Brennan saw only two men on the fifth floor......Jarman and Norman.....that was after 12.24 and also saw movement in the SN. We know Williams was there (at least on the 6th floor) until after 12.24.
Williams must have left and the assassin enter after 12.24.
I think your post-12:24 timestamp for Mr Brennan is spot on--and potentially
very interesting!

We don't
know that Mr Williams was on the sixth floor at this time. He is an utterly unreliable witness.
I don't believe he's Mr Rowland's 'elderly Negro'. (The explanations you offer are not impossible but not v. probable IMHO.)
Mr Brennan's testimony:
Mr. BELIN. Do you remember the specific color of any shirt that the man with the rifle was wearing?
Mr. BRENNAN. No, other than light, and a khaki color--maybe in khaki. I mean other than light color--not a real white shirt, in other words. If it was a white shirt, it was on the dingy side.
Doesn't sound to me like the green we see in Hughes/Martin.
Could Mr Brennan have caught a glimpse of Mr Williams' back and conflated him with the next (white) man? Not impossible. But again not v. probable IMO.
Personally I suspect that, if Mr Williams did venture up to 6 that lunchtime, he encountered a person or persons (the latter more likely) who told him they were Presidential protection and he needed to vamoose.
But I may be wrong about that!
One thing I'm sure of: Mr Williams saw more than he said he did.