Certain individuals pictured above trained Alpha 66 in combat/sniper/and assassin tactics.
J Edgar Hoover's FBI reported [based apparently on nothing at all] that the mysterious Cubans who visited Silvia Odio before the assassination calling themselves Leopoldo, Angelo and an American ..Leon were actually Loran Hall, Lawrence Howard, and William Seymour. Howard and Seymour disputed the claim, and within days Hall had retracted the story. Silvia Odio as well as her sister agreed that they were not the guys they saw. Ms Odio del Torro [still living] claims sincerely to this day that it was definitely Lee Harvey Oswald who she saw that evening. I can live with that.
Living in the Dallas area and becoming familiar with some individuals who were involved in various 'social circles'...I became privy [let's say] concerning a connection for certain commodities including illegal substances from Latin America. This was around 1980 or so as I recall. One particular individual was from the town of Wylie- NE of Mesquite. He did make the acquaintance of Loran Hall and had mentioned to me that Mr Hall told him that he "knew all about the Kennedy assassination". He believed also that if Loran Hall was not a paid CIA operative --he was granted flexibility or protection involving underworld activity. This activity was worth a lot more than a paycheck. Those who think the CIA was/is a law enforcement agency are sadly mistaken.
Those who think the CIA was/is a law enforcement agency are sadly mistaken.The CIA never was a law enforcement agency.... A law circumventing agency is much closer to it's true policy. Back in the sixties many thought that CIA meant Cuba Invasion Authority .... Truman was wrong to charter such an un-American organization.