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Author Topic: WC general counsel and assistant counsel  (Read 8770 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2019, 10:56:58 PM »
Tom, Earl Warren was in public life for decades before he was drafted by LBJ kicking and screaming. A man like that had to have made hundreds of aquaintances over the years.
Syndicated columnist Drew Pearson and Earl Warren vacationed together. I do not comprehend what that indicates, but it is a fact.
October 25,  1963

Henry Crown controlled the Empire State BLDG, General Dynamics executive committee and its $6 billion TFX military contract,
and a pieceof Madison Square Garden  and the NY Yankees, but he and his close buddy and biz partner Conrad Hilton still managed
to be in the top echelon of the Chicago mob. Earl Warren not only did not discourage his daughter Virginia's relationship with Hilton,
they (Warren and his wife) seemed to have joined in and encouraged it.

My posts are long because made up minds seem impervious to verifiable facts. Ask Lester Velie what he thought of Chief SCOTUS Justice
Warren appointing the son of Jake Arvey law partner, Paul  Ziffren  as Warren's law clerk,immediately after the WC Report.

Pay-Per-View - Los Angeles Times - May 26, 1970

Ziffren a graduate of Northwestern University and UCLA law school is a member of ... a law clerk to f o r m e r Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren in 1965.

...One of the things that was embarrassing and got national

coverage was the Reader's Digest article of July, 1960. It

was written by Lester Velie and is called, "Paul Ziffren, The

Democrats' Man of Mystery." (The author sets forth a very

detailed account of "Ziffren 's connections with the underworld

and gambling figures of the period,") ...

Jul 11, 1952

Sen. Knowland offered Gov. Warren of California to the Republican convention tonight as a Presidential candidate who could unite the party and give the country an administration "of honor and purpose in both do-...

APRIL 1997
Throughout the 30s and 40s, whatever notoriety befell Sidney Korshak was local, confined to a Chicago public that seemed to either shrug for-bearingly or smile understandingly. Except for Variety, the national media had ignored Bioff?s testimony about him. All that changed with a feature story in the September 30, 1950, Collier?s. ?The Capone Gang Muscles into Big-Time Politics,? by Lester Velie, was point-blank: ?Legal advisor to some of the mob is Sidney Korshak.? In addition to his underworld connections, Velie exposed Korshak?s ties to political leaders such as Jacob Arvey, the chairman of the Cook County Democratic Party.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2019, 11:31:13 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2019, 10:56:58 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2019, 12:16:15 AM »
Oscar, how much of a role did mobbed up Earl Warren or Asst Counsel Albert Jenner play?
Your opinions fly in the face of the facts I share with you...
My point is cannot, based on the verifiable evidence and the conflicts of interests of the WC appointees,
make the conclusions you present. That is my primary conclusion about the case, because I am committed to avoid
cherry picking the evidence, because I am not qualified to weigh the contradictions. You seem to think you are qualified,
but I present in a manner indicating I might be better informed than you are.

You seem more certain the WC essentially "got it right" than WC Asst Counsel Albert Jenner.....

BTW, was not mobbed up Albert Jenner assigned (by Howard Willens) to investigate whether Oswald was associated with
organized crime or other conspirators?
Oscar, Mr. Trump has certainly made it aquaint notion, but in 1964, avoidance of even the appearance of impropriety was an
expectation of the American public, especially after the DPD had failed to keep the accused assassin alive, in their own HQ....
Did not Accardo and succeed Ricca and Joseph Willens succeed Varelli as next door neighbor of the reigning River Forest, IL,
capo di tutti cappi?

Oscar, how much of a role did mobbed up Earl Warren or Asst Counsel Albert Jenner play?

What did Earl Warren do in ( Mexico? or Cuba? ) that left him open to Blackmail?

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2019, 03:51:44 PM »
Oscar, how much of a role did mobbed up Earl Warren or Asst Counsel Albert Jenner play?
Your opinions fly in the face of the facts I share with you..

All I see are a bunch of disjointed newspaper clippings, Tom. If you believe this represents evidence then anyone could be charged with anything under the sun. There's no beef in this sandwich, Tom.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2019, 03:51:44 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2019, 03:58:40 PM »
Oscar, how much of a role did mobbed up Earl Warren or Asst Counsel Albert Jenner play?

What did Earl Warren do in ( Mexico? or Cuba? ) that left him open to Blackmail?

I'm sure Tom will come up with a bunch of newspaper clippings that will answer your question.  ::)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2019, 06:08:26 PM »
Oscar, reread the thread. Obviously, you are much better versed on the veneer than I am.
Please do not read any of my additional posts. You certainly seem satisfied there is not even the
appearance of impropriety, and LBJ, Warren and the rest of the WC, the FBI, DPD, anc CIA all
gave the American people a fair shake. Obviously, you and I have had dramatically different upbringings and life experiences.
Whenever my mom, or, as I grew older, anyone tried to spoon feed me BS, I spit it out.
I have seen other people put mustard and relish on it, proclaim it a hot dog, and swallow it with gusto!
Case closed.....

John Joseph Ford (October 10, 1907 ? August 4, 1982)
In 1943, Governor Earl Warren appointed Ford to the Los Angeles County Municipal Court, where he served until 1948 when Warren elevated him to the Los Angeles County Superior Court.[1] Ford left the Superior Court when Governor Pat Brown appointed Ford to the California Second District Court of Appeal, Division Three in 1959.[1] Brown elevated Ford to Presiding Justice of the same court in 1966.[1] Ford retired in 1977 and died in Newport Beach, California in 1982.[1]
Ford was one of three children of father William Joseph Ford and Margaret McCarthy. The other 2 were Robert and Margaret. Ford's mother died when he was four years old. Ford's father later remarried Cecily Chambers and had 7 more children: Liam, Moira, Patrick, James, Declan, Joe Brendan, and Derrick. John Joseph Ford went on to graduate from Loyola High School. Robert "Bob" Ford, Moira Ford, Patrick Ford and James Ford also became practicing attorneys in California.....
The CHAIRMAN. As to the purpose so you understand what we are doing here today?
Mr. FORD. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. Will you please rise. Do you solemnly swear the testimony you give before this Commission will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. FORD. I do.
The CHAIRMAN. Be seated please and Mr. Liebeler will ask the questions.
Mr. LIEBELER. Will you state your name, sir?
Mr. FORD. Declan P. Ford....
The CHAIRMAN. Where were you born?
Mr. FORD. Los Angeles.
The CHAIRMAN. Did you go to the public schools there?
Mr. FORD. I attended both parochial and public schools in Los Angeles and Glendale.
The CHAIRMAN. Then you went to the University of California at Los Angeles?
Mr. FORD. Right.
The CHAIRMAN. Where did you go after that. You were in the service, did you say?
Mr. FORD. I was in the service. After I got out of the service I went back to UCLA and finished my education and then went to work in the oil industry first in Bakersfield and in Los Angeles, Ventura, and then went to work for DeGollyer and McNaughton overseas.
The CHAIRMAN. I see.
Posted by Tm Scully  Posted May 14, 2012

Isaac Don Levine claimed he heard about Bouhe's connection to Oswald via an in passing, confidential heads up from a stranger, Joseph B. Ford, brother of Declan Ford. Levine then gushes in his book about how he had heard all about Bouhe's Dallas accountancy career via his mother, Elsa Bouhe. Levine had translated her manuscript (in 1934), describing her five year imprisonment by Stalin. I've established tht Elsa died in 1957. BTW, Bouhe made several trips to France after WWII. The last one I found was a return through Montreal in 1959. Elsa's naturalization application states that her husband, Alexander Bouhe died in 1911. George, as George Bouchay, worked for his passage from Hamburg to NY in 1924, and sister Irene was detained for lack of a visa when she attempted to enter New York from France in 1934. An uncle, her mother Elsa's brother, was named as next of kin with an address in Paris.
Are you aware George Bouhe's sister married "Buck Freeman"? Freeman was a Princeton classmate of CIA domestic contacts chief,
Edwin "Squirrel" Ashcraft. Freeman and Ashcraft attended the same Princeton class reunions, into old age.

George Bouhe came "home" to die in the same town his sister, Ilsa Bouche Freeman resided in, Plainfield, NJ

Posted by Tom Scully  10-31-2016
The most prominent member of Triangle in late 1927 when the small group toured 19 cities with their production of a show titled, "Napoleon Passes", was fellow member of Dodge's, Seay's, and Freeman's class of 1929 was Squiirrel Ashcraft, William Burke's and
Lloyd Ray's longtime boss at CIA DCS.

Princeton Alumni Weekly, Volume 81

In the intro of this excerpted memo, I discern Rankin's and Slawson's contempt for the right of the American people
to expect an ethical, open investigation and Warren Report, but I doubt LNs have the slightest problem with this intended suppression
Dulles partially steered Rankin and Slawson away from. The result is "rough" vs. what should have been court reporter quality documentation
of this May, 1964 WC interview of Levine.
CD Jackson and Ed Thompson of Time-Life are seen here continuing to attempt to vacuum up as much unique evidence and testimony
as possible. Ed Thompson's son was the Reader's Digest editor of Henry Hurt, financing Hurt's 1976 trip to Midland to threaten the
continued employment of Billy Joe Lord.
Dec. 6 specially decorated Bush '41 Train engine, was Billy Joe Lord on board?,1439.msg38753.html#msg38753

Following are three consecutive pages of the memo introduced in the image above.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2019, 08:36:47 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2019, 06:08:26 PM »

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2019, 01:00:50 PM »
Yes, I'm familiar with that controversy too. Ford did indeed, at least from what I read in the same account you mentioned, apparently try to get him removed. Redlich was, well, he was a leftwinger and not a liberal. He thought the Rosenbergs and Hiss were innocent. Or at least they shouldn't have been given the death penalty (which he opposed throughout his life).  As to Hiss's innocence: What was he thinking?

Re Shenon's book: it's a pretty good overview of how the WC was formed and worked.

These were honorable men in a difficult situation. Sure, legitimate criticism of the investigation can be made; it was a product made by humans: what do people make that is perfect? But the claims that they deliberately covered things up is simply not, for me, true.

Steve, here's the link to WC Executive Session of May 19, 1964. It's mostly about Norman Redlich
the last 10 or so pages are almost unreadable which is too bad but it increases my admiration for both Warren and McCloy while further diminishing my opinion of Russell. It's a bit long (40 readable pages) but worth the time and effort.

I completely agree there was no cover up. The very notion of leaving things out was repeatedly considered and rejected by the WC members in many instances and they were aware of the historical importance of this inquiry.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2019, 01:59:55 AM »
If the commission had found a conspiracy, their individual careers would soar and they'd be American heroes forever. In fact, I think one of the staffers said something to that effect. Hell, we all came to this looking for a conspiracy, didn't we?
A nameless staffer ::)  There is one item that was not mentioned here in this thread...motive. Vincent Bugliosi postulates that  Oswald killed JFK due to his "delusions of grandeur and that he wanted to do something that [history] would remember him 10,000 years from now". I guess this is all based on the 'Oswald diary'. There is just one problem with this claim...Oswald denied forget about that motive.

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2019, 02:07:34 PM »
A nameless staffer ::)  There is one item that was not mentioned here in this thread...motive. Vincent Bugliosi postulates that  Oswald killed JFK due to his "delusions of grandeur and that he wanted to do something that [history] would remember him 10,000 years from now". I guess this is all based on the 'Oswald diary'. There is just one problem with this claim...Oswald denied forget about that motive.

Bill Chapman
If the commission had found a conspiracy, their individual careers would soar and they'd be American heroes forever. In fact, I think one of the staffers said something to that effect. Hell, we all came to this looking for a conspiracy, didn't we?

A nameless staffer ::)

If you actually took the time to read the thread you would see the nameless staffer was named. It was Assistant counsel Burt Griffin.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: WC general counsel and assistant counsel
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2019, 02:07:34 PM »