To Tom much of a role did Leon D. Hubert play in the investigation. Once you acknowledge that the answer is minimal at best perhaps this 10th degree of separation guilt by association nonsense can be toned down a bit.....perhaps 
Oscar, how much of a role did mobbed up Earl Warren or Asst Counsel Albert Jenner play?
Your opinions fly in the face of the facts I share with you...
Murray Chotiner, Nixon Mentor, Dies - The New York Times
Jan 31, 1974 - Chotiner, Murray M. ... man, associated primarily with Earl Warren, later Governor of California and afterward Chief Justice of the United States.
My point is cannot, based on the verifiable evidence and the conflicts of interests of the WC appointees,
make the conclusions you present. That is my primary conclusion about the case, because I am committed to avoid
cherry picking the evidence, because I am not qualified to weigh the contradictions. You seem to think you are qualified,
but I present in a manner indicating I might be better informed than you are.
You seem more certain the WC essentially "got it right" than WC Asst Counsel Albert Jenner.....
BTW, was not mobbed up Albert Jenner assigned (by Howard Willens) to investigate whether Oswald was associated with
organized crime or other conspirators?
..His chapter of the report was called: "Oswald's Background History, Acquaintances and Motives."..,ar:1#sclient=psy&hl=en&safe=off&tbs=cdr:1%2Ccd_min%3A1964%2Ccd_max%3A1966%2Cbks%3A1&q=coincidences+made+it+seem+most+likely+that+the+assassination+of&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=albert+jenner+conspiracy&gs_rfai=&psj=1&fp=80f78c692ae3c498
Federal bar news: Volume 13
Federal Bar Association - 1966 -
In his address, Mr. Jenner stated that a series of extraordinary coincidences made it seem most likely that the assassination of President Kennedy was the work of one man ? Lee Harvey Oswald. "After months of intensive research, the reading of some 40000 pages of material assembled by units of the federal government, and the questioning of scores of persons, including Oswald's wife, we came to the conclusion that there was no conspiracy, either domestic or foreign," Jenner said...
Oscar, Mr. Trump has certainly made it aquaint notion, but in 1964, avoidance of even the appearance of impropriety was an
expectation of the American public, especially after the DPD had failed to keep the accused assassin alive, in their own HQ....
Did not Accardo and succeed Ricca and Joseph Willens succeed Varelli as next door neighbor of the reigning River Forest, IL,
capo di tutti cappi?Encyclopedia of World Crime
...Varelli, identified in 1963 by the Senate rackets committee as a member of 'the inner Mafia circle on the west side, is closely associated with the gang of loan sharks and gam- headed by Fiore [Fifi] Buccieri.
March 12, 1966
Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois ? pg 2 5 Indicted Linked with Three Top Hoods
Detectives offer as evidence of Varelli's stature in the mob the fact that he is a next door neighbor of Paul [The Waiter] Ricca, elder statesman of the Chicago Mafia.
Varelli was placed on proba- tion for two years in 1943 on a burglary charge.......
As the story goes, Willens was friends with Accardo, who rose in the ranks of the Chicago Outfit and greatly expanded the gang?s reach from a period the late 1940s until his death in 1992.
?The horseshoe-shaped table in the windowless basement of 935 Franklin,? a sales packet for the house says, ?is where Tony Accardo and his men held their meetings.?
Willens, who passed away in 1984, was never formally linked to his neighbor?s criminal operations; any evidence to the contrary, said Pedersen, ?is neighborhood hearsay? and the stuff of conspiracy theory websites.
FBI 62-109090 Warren Commission HQ File, Section 25, pg 187
Found in: FBI Warren Commission Liaison File (62-109090)
being associated with the President's Commission. HOWARD P. WILLENS, Assistant to Rankin Willens was investigated by the Bureau in 1955 for the position of
derogatory information was developed concerning -his. father, Joseph Robert Willens. The father's name appeared on the mailing list of the Chicago Council of
deter- mined that the senior Mr. Willens was a next-door neighbor of Tony Accardo, prominent Chicago hoodlum. Mr. Willens was interviewed by the Bureau in
Found in: FBI - HSCA Administrative Folders
information identifiable with these individuals. HOWARD P. WILLENS, Assistant to Rankin Willens was investigated by the Bureau in 1955 for the position of
derogatory information was developed concerning his father, Joseph Robert Willens. The father's name appeared on the mailing list of the Chicago Council of
deter- mined that the senior Mr. Willens was a next-door neighbor of Tony Accardo, prominent Chicago hoodlum. Mr. Willens was interviewed by the Bureau in