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Author Topic: Peter finds a smoking gun!  (Read 10989 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2019, 12:27:02 AM »
Hughes loses sight of the sixth floor window about eight seconds before an hypothetical first shot at Z160.


"Rifle" in Powell photo might have something to do with the angled box that was on the window sill. No, that would be too in touch with the real world. So never mind.

How does that work?.....  What about the angled box would appear to be a long slender dark shape?   

Did you really think that you could fool anybody into believing those images that you have labeled the Powell photo, is actually the photo that James Powell took?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 03:11:59 PM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2019, 12:27:02 AM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2019, 08:29:01 AM »
I'd hasten to point out that the official scenario has the arch villain sitting on a box about four feet north of the inside of the south wall of the building....They said that he used a stack of boxes that was about three feet high as a rifle rest....  Simple geometry reveals that no sniper could have fired down onto Elm street given those parameters....because a 5' 9" man sitting on that box could not decline the muzzle low enough if the rifle was resting on the stack of Rolling Readers....

The villain would have had to have been right up against the inside wall ......And if he had been there he would be visible in the photos just as the three stooges are visible on the 5th floor....

However if you're comfortable with being lied to,and treated like a brainless moron......That's still allowed ......In fact it's encouraged by your ol unca Sam
It's funny how we're told to look in the windows, and after looking several times there is what we saw the first time, absolutely nothing. Everyone probably has seen the Hughes film where a couple of so-called film experts from National Geographic weigh in with "some say they see movement", "a figure" etc. all by way of some new special technology called PLANTING A SEED IN YOUR HEAD  The whole idea is to make the public think they see someone in a window, believe a witness who said they did or believe some retarded expert. What the WC does not want you to see is real evidence that would be easy to scrutinize. This is why I like comparing the pictures/film of the TSBD's west side with its south side. Any reasonable person when looking at footage of the west side should have no problem seeing a figure,  some movement, or even an actual human being sticking their head out a window then compare that to looking at the south-side evidence, all we get is trickery.  Add to it bogus photos the WC took of the 3 stooges in their exact positions(so they'd like you to believe).  What about frauds like Tom Alyea or reporter Jim E Well who are professional seed planters. We're to believe the casual footage of inside the TSBD  moments after the shooting, but then later we are told the film was smuggled out or thrown out a window to a waiting employee of the TV station, sure, and funny enough you never see one cop in the footage hostile to the filming of the crime scene

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2019, 02:30:16 PM »
It's funny how we're told to look in the windows, and after looking several times there is what we saw the first time, absolutely nothing. Everyone probably has seen the Hughes film where a couple of so-called film experts from National Geographic weigh in with "some say they see movement", "a figure" etc. all by way of some new special technology called PLANTING A SEED IN YOUR HEAD  The whole idea is to make the public think they see someone in a window, believe a witness who said they did or believe some retarded expert. What the WC does not want you to see is real evidence that would be easy to scrutinize. This is why I like comparing the pictures/film of the TSBD's west side with its south side. Any reasonable person when looking at footage of the west side should have no problem seeing a figure,  some movement, or even an actual human being sticking their head out a window then compare that to looking at the south-side evidence, all we get is trickery.  Add to it bogus photos the WC took of the 3 stooges in their exact positions(so they'd like you to believe).  What about frauds like Tom Alyea or reporter Jim E Well who are professional seed planters. We're to believe the casual footage of inside the TSBD  moments after the shooting, but then later we are told the film was smuggled out or thrown out a window to a waiting employee of the TV station, sure, and funny enough you never see one cop in the footage hostile to the filming of the crime scene


Many years ago I was absolutely sure that at one time I had seen a photo that showed Bonnie Ray Williams sticking his head out of a window and looking up toward the sixth floor....   That picture had been painted in my mind by "reporters" who said such a photo existed......   

After I realized that no such photo existed I became aware that many of the photos are mis- captioned.  The "reporters were deliberately twisting the information that was being presented to the eye.   And that's exactly what has been done with the Dillard and Powell photos.....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2019, 02:30:16 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2019, 02:56:07 PM »
Hughes loses sight of the sixth floor window about eight seconds before an hypothetical first shot at Z160.


"Rifle" in Powell photo might have something to do with the angled box that was on the window sill. No, that would be too in touch with the real world. So never mind.

Thank you for presenting the negative image ....  That image makes it very clear that someone was holding a long slender object, like a rifle, next to the box in the window.   

The Powell photo was intended to be photographic proof that Lee Harrrrrrvey Osssssswald had been caught in the act of murdering the President.   And if the sequence of the vehicles in the parade hadn't gotten scrambled that photo would have been printed on the front page of every newspaper in the country.  However The photographers car had been placed just a few cars behind the Lincoln and thus Dillard was in perfect position to take a photo that is very similar to the Powell photo, and Dillard's photo shows that there was NOBODY in that window at the time ....and Dillard's photo is in total conflict with Powell's photo.   

The conspirators knew that they dare not let the public see the staged photo that Powell had the hid it away until the big lie had taken solid roots.   
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 03:09:10 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Louis Earl

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2019, 05:47:49 PM »
Certainly true that somebody stacked the book boxes so as to provide a gun rest so I'll assume the shooter used them in the shooting.  That has nothing to do with how the shooter was situated while the limo was on Houston. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2019, 05:47:49 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2019, 07:03:03 PM »
Certainly true that somebody stacked the book boxes so as to provide a gun rest so I'll assume the shooter used them in the shooting.  That has nothing to do with how the shooter was situated while the limo was on Houston.

Certainly true that somebody stacked the book boxes so as to provide a gun rest so I'll assume the shooter used them in the shooting.

Wow!!...With your powers of perception, and your ability to know what an object was designed for,  you must be a very wealthy man, Mr Earl....

Most folks would never guess that a stack of cardboard boxes in a warehouse full of such boxes could be a rifle rest.....  And most folks without your amazing ability  would think that the soft drink bottle,  lunch sack,  Fritos corn chips bag, and a partially eaten piece of chicken that was right there on the boxes , indicated that the area was a luncheon nook  ....   
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 02:54:14 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2019, 07:56:37 PM »
Certainly true that somebody stacked the book boxes so as to provide a gun rest so I'll assume the shooter used them in the shooting.  That has nothing to do with how the shooter was situated while the limo was on Houston. 
Also assume that this was an accomplished** shooter....who was obviously positioned with help.
 About the clip @ 1:48 --there is a difference between 'developing' the film and printing the pictures which Dillard said he did.
Perhaps he doesn't remember who developed the film as there was always a tech on station to run films that are brought in from news people.
However...Really, nobody takes a picture with one camera and in the moment of newsworthy photography--switches cameras.
Of course, I don't know what kind/model camera was used. Ball should have inquired but then I don't think he really cared.
**By accomplished shooter I certainly don't mean Oswald-- who acquired a marksman rating some 3-4 years earlier which every marine in the corps is required to do. And just because of that-- the derelict  mind who knows nothing about shooting equates this one average feat as having produced an expert sniper for the rest of his life. ODIABS
Perhaps shots were fired from a window on the opposite side of the floor [pigeons flew off the roof]

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2019, 08:05:30 PM »
Thank you for presenting the negative image ....  That image makes it very clear that someone was holding a long slender object, like a rifle, next to the box in the window.   


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Peter finds a smoking gun!
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2019, 08:05:30 PM »