Whether it?s Dishong or not, that tells you exactly nothing about where Westbrook or Calvery are.
Maybe not, but it does tell us that the four consecutive white women to the right of shorty "Dishong" in Altgens-6 (and to the left of her mostly-hidden person in Zapruder) can't comprise the four-woman "Calvary Group" (the members of which said in their cross-referencing FBI statements that they "went" down the north side of Elm Street together and watched the motorcade together) for the simple reason that those four women to the right of "Dishog" in Altgens-6 and to the left of her in Zapruder are already "spoken for" -- journalists Alonzo, (blond-haired) Woodward, Donaldson, and Brown.
"Your" preferred "Calvary Group" in Zapruder has already been shown to actually consist of self-described American Indian Stella Mae Jacob (just ask Linda Giovanna Zambanini), strawberry-blond Gloria Jeanne Holt, and light-blue-headscarf wearing Sharron Simmons, all three of whom were "caught" not only in Zapruder, but in Betzner-3, the 2-second Darnell clip, Bronson, and the Tina Towner film, as well.
Given the above, where do you NOW believe Gloria Calvery can be seen in Zapruder, or any of the other "motorcade" photos and films, Iacoletti?