Huh? Are you confused about which side is North too?
That's why I edited and bumped it before you replied.
EDIT: Or at least it has been now. LOL
But come to think of it, since you admitted a few months ago that the dark-complected woman Unger and Roberdeau originally labeled as "Calvary" (sic) might indeed have been self-described American Indian Stella Mae Jacob, instead, it buggers the mind to speculate as to were
you speculate Hicks and Reed were ... like ... anywhere, dude! ... south side or north side!
I mean, I mean, I mean, it's been pretty well established that the two women standing to the left of Stella Mae Jacob (aka
Gloria Calvary/"uhh ... probably Carol Reed") in Zapruder are, from right to left, Dishong and Dishong's (unnamed-by-Dishong) work colleague, don't you think?
-- MWT