Couch frame showing Darnell.
Credit: Denis Morissette

The above still frame taken by Couch, (filming from inside the same Camera Car #3 that Darnell jumped out of), further corroborates there being assigned time line errors with assassination images/films. Above, Couch allegedly filmed Darnell who is just beginning to walk down the South side of Elm St. We also see Camera Car #1 which is on the verge of Passing Wiegman who is standing at the North curb of Elm St. Wiegman had previously jumped out of Camera Car #1 as it was turning onto Elm St, he traveled down Elm St, he then went Up the Knoll, he Stopped to film the Alleged Hester's up there, he then went Down the Knoll, he Stopped and filmed the Newman Family, and then he stood at the Elm St north curb and filmed the Camera Car he had jumped out of coming Toward him on Elm St. Somehow, if we are to believe the accepted time line assigned to the Wiegman Film, the Middle Aged Wiegman on foot managed to travel down Elm St, travel Up the Knoll, STOP and film the Hester's up there, then he traveled down the Knoll, STOPPED and filmed the Newman Family and and somehow after ALL of that be ahead of his Camera Car on Elm St in a roughly 30 second time frame.