You shot JFK from the sixth floor, but you've been nabbed in a movie theater. The police captain is now grilling you. What do you tell him about where you were when JFK was shot?
Easy! You work with what you've got:
-----------a sighting way down on the second floor by your bossman and a police officer
-----------a sighting seconds later by a lady who works in the big office.
'I was in the lunchroom on the second floor the whole time. First thing I knew anything was wrong was when a police officer came bursting in. Ask my boss, Mr Truly, he'll confirm what I'm saying. And just after that I spoke with a lady in the big office. Mrs Reed I think her name is. Talk to her.'
What you
don't do is look a gift horse in the mouth by saying
nothing about a confrontation with a police officer down in the lunchroom straight after the shooting
not a blessed word about 'Mrs Reed'
---------------'Uh, I bought a coke in the lunchroom before the Presidential Parade and then went outside to watch the Parade'.
Bookhout & co's big mistake was not that they put words in the dead Mr Oswald's mouth but that they invented words so
self-incriminatingly stupid as to give their squalid little game away.
What they
should have done was have the dead Mr Oswald say, 'I don't have to tell you anything about where I was. This is political harassment on account of the fact that I lived in the Soviet Union. I demand a shower. My lawyer will consider your keeping me here like this a violation of my hygiene rights'.
Shudda kept it simple, guys!
But hey, it worked for 55 years. And some folks are
still fooled by it!