FRITZ: Okay, son, so you admit one of our men saw you in the lunchroom on the second floor?
OSWALD: Naturally if I was in the lunchroom at that time, yes, sir.
FRITZ: What were you doing there?
OSWALD: I had just bought a Coca Cola from the machine they have in there.
FRITZ: What did the officer say to you?
OSWALD: Well, he put a pistol up to my stomach and said 'Do you work here?' I told him I did, and my boss Mr Truly told him I was telling the truth.
FRITZ: What happened next?
OSWALD: Well, they went racing up the stairs.
FRITZ: What did you do then?
OSWALD: Well, I figured the policeman had given me a warning not to miss the President's visit. He and Mr Truly sure looked real keen to get upstairs for a good view of the parade themselves. So I brought my Coca Cola downstairs and went outside to watch the parade.
FRITZ: Did you speak to anyone on the way down?
OSWALD: Yes, sir. As I was going through the office towards the front stairway, a woman who works up there said to me, 'The President should be shot! But I hope they don't kill him.'
FRITZ: What did you say to her?
OSWALD: Oh nothing. I just muttered 'Crazy damn fascist' under my breath. Then I went downstairs and out front.
FRITZ: Let me get this clear, son. You're saying you went outside to watch the Presidential Parade?
OSWALD: Yes, sir. I went out on to the front steps.
FRITZ: What did you see when you got out onto the steps?
OSWALD: Well, it looked like people were real unhappy about the President coming to town. There was screaming and hollering and crying.