Alan, let's examine Hosty's scribbled note....We can compare it with Willie Fritz's and James Bookhout's notes..... because they were also present and heard Lee's replies. It would be very helpful if you'd present the all of the notes as Hosty wrote them. Because I'm now skeptical that Hosty wrote them during the interrogation, and I'm thinking that these notes that you've posted were actually written by James Bookhout. The chronology of the events as they are recorded them is important.
O(swald) stated that he was present for work at the TSBD the morning of 11/22/63 and at noon went to lunch. He went to second floor to get a Coca- Cola to eat with lunch and returned to first floor to eat lunch. Then went outside to watch the P(resident's) parade.
"and at noon went to lunch"---The word "noon" does not mean precisely 12:00 O'clock, and I think that you'll agree that Lee did not go to lunch at 12:00 O'clock, Because all of the other employees stopped work at about 11:50 and climbed aboard the elevators and left him behind on the fifth floor. They then went to the first floor and washed up for lunch, and then some of them sat down in the Domino room and ate their lunches, and they were there in the D room until at least 12:15. ...So we don't know at what time Lee went to the first floor, but we can assume that it must have been after 12:15. So Hosty's note does not mean that Lee went to lunch at 12:00 O'clock.
"He went to second floor to get a Coca-Cola to eat with lunch and returned to first floor to eat lunch."[/i--- We don't know if Lee started eating his lunch immediately, or perhaps looked at the newspaper for a few minutes before opening his lunch sack.....But since Hosty wrote that he went to the second floor lunchroom to buy a coke to drink with his lunch we must assume that he bought the coke BEFORE eating his lunch. and THEN AFTER buying the coke he returned to the Domino Room and ate his lunch and drank the Coca Cola.
'He then went outside to watch the President's parade"..... We know that this chronology is contradictory to the notes that Hosty himself published in his book Assignment: Oswald .... ( Those notes are posted in this thread)
And by 99% of the accounts....Baker and Truly encountered Lee in the second floor lunchroom after he'd bought the coke ......
What say you?
It is quite inaccurate to state that 99% of the accounts point to a Baker-Oswald-Truly encounter in the 2nd fl lunchroom!
-------------Officer Baker's 11/22 affidavit
-------------What DPD were telling the press 11/22
-------------What Mr O Campbell was telling the press 11/22
-------------What Mr Oswald was telling Captain Fritz 11/22
-------------The joint interrogation report written by Agents Bookhout & Hosty 11/22
-------------Inspector Harry D. Holmes Warren Commission testimony ("First floor. Front entrance... Vestibule")
The 2nd fl lunchroom encounter was
invented the evening of 11/22.
Now! There are two bombshells in the Hosty note:
Bombshell 1: Mr Oswald, far from confirming a 2nd fl lunchroom incident, spoke only of buying a coke up there
before the motorcadeBombshell 2: Mr Oswald, far from placing himself in the domino room at the time of the motorcade, spoke of having gone outside
to watch the motorcadeYour LHO timeline:
1. Breaks for lunch about noon
2. Buys coke in 2nd fl lunchroom
3. Returns to first floor to eat lunch
Correct so far!

But! What happens next is
not that Mr Oswald decides---------at what just so happens to be
the very time the shooting is taking place---------to go
back up for a second coke!
No! He hears the commotion/excitement out front as the motorcade approaches Elm Street, runs down to the front entrance and steps "outside to watch P. Parade".
He tells all this freely to Captain Fritz on 11/22/63. A decision is made to bury his claim in obfuscation, omission, misrepresentation---------and an excursus into outright fiction-writing (2nd fl lunchroom incident). Mr Oswald's death makes that decision a whole lot easier to implement.
Not until
February 2019 will Mr Oswald finally be granted a chance to tell his own side of the story! There is an all too obvious reason for that, and years of attachment to the lunchroom story should not blind one to that reason.
Sorry, Mr Cakebread, but the inconvenient data in the Hosty notes cannot be wished away.