Marina said it was Oswald's camera and it was in their possession.
Marina's testimony to the HSCA.
"Q. The camera you took them on, was that Lee Harvey Oswald's camera?
I believe so. Q. Was it the same one he had in Russia or a different one, do you know?
I don't know, but I do believe it could be the same. [She doesn't seem exactly sure it was Oswald's camera.]
Q. What did he tell you to do with the camera as far as taking the pictures?
A. He just told me which button to push and I did.
Did you hold it up to your eye and look through the viewer to take the picture?
A. Yes. Q. And after you took the picture what did you do after you took the first picture?
A. I went into the house and did things I had to attend to.
Q. How many pictures did you take?
I think I took two. Q.
When you took the first picture you held it up to your eye?
A. Yes; that is what I recall. Q. What did you do next?
A. I believe he did something with it and told me to push it again.
Q. The first time you pushed it down to take the picture?
A. Yes.
Q. And the first time, what happened before you took the second picture?
A. He changed his pose.
Q. What I am getting at is, did you give the camera to him so he would move the film forward or did you do that?
A. He did that.
Q. So you took the picture and handed the camera to him?
A. Yes.
Q. What did he do?
A. He said, "Once again," and I did it again.
Q. So he have you back the camera?
A. For the second time; yes.
Q. Did he put the rifle down?
[Strange she didn't remember this to the Warren Commission.]
A. You see, that is the way I remember it.
Q. Did he put the rifle down on the ground between--
A. I don't remember. I was so annoyed with all this procedure so the sooner I could get through, the better, so I don't recollect.
Q. But you do remember taking the picture?
A. Yes; I am the one who took the picture and the weather was right.
Q. What did you say?
A. Somebody speculated the picture couldn't be taken; the weather was wrong.
Q. I am not interested in what people speculated.
A. There is nobody to blame for it but me.
Q. When you took the first picture and you gave him the camera, did you walk over to him and give him the camera or did he walk over to you?
A. I don't remember.
Q. Are these the only two pictures you ever took in your life at least up to that time?
A. Yes.
[Her testimony is not worth a carrot. Her story keeps changing.]