From the Warren Report.... deciding whether Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shots which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally, the Commission considered whether Oswald, using his own rifle, possessed the capability to hit his target with two out of three shots under the conditions described in chapter Ill. The Commission evaluated (1) the nature of the shots, (2) Oswald's Marine training in marksmanship, (3) his experience and practice after leaving the Marine Corps, and (4) the accuracy of the weapon and the quality of the ammunition.
Robert A. Frazier, FBI expert in firearms identification and training, said: "I mean it requires no training at all to shoot a weapon with a telescopic sight once you know that you must put the crosshairs on the target and that is all that is necessary."
So in other words..your grandma could have been an expert assassin. No experience necessary

Sergeant Zahm expressed the opinion that the shot which struck President Kennedy in the neck at 176.9 to 190.8 feet was "very easy" and the shot which struck the President in the head at a distance of 265.3 feet was "an easy shot."
The Report fails to mention that no one else was really able to re-enact that feat. Lip service was sufficient.
In accordance with standard Marine procedures, Oswald received extensive training in marksmanship.773 During the first week of an intensive 8-week training period he received instruction in sighting, aiming, and manipulation of the trigger. He had the services of an experienced highly trained coach.
"Manipulation of the trigger" What is that...chiropractic? Massage? All Marines receive '8 weeks of intensive training'. It's called 'boot camp'. All Marines receive rifle training and are required to pass marksman skills. The 'highly trained coach' is called a drill instructor. This does not mean [as I have stated before] that this enables a trainee to become an expert sniper for life.
During one of his leaves from the Marines, Oswald hunted with his brother Robert, using a .22 caliber bolt-action rifle belonging either to Robert or Robert's in-laws.
So what? Plinking around with a .22 doesn't require marksman mention that Lee ever hit anything. More lip service from the writer of this gibberish. [I wonder who he was?]
Marina Oswald testified that in New Orleans in May of 1963, she observed Oswald sitting with the rifle on their screened porch at night, sighting with the telescopic lens and operating the bolt.
There are threads all over the forum refuting this claim as just pure bunk.
The various tests showed that the Mannlicher-Carcano was an accurate rifle and that the use of a four-power scope was a substantial aid to rapid, accurate firing.
A failure to mention that these 'various tests' involved.... placing shims under the scope which was out of alignment by a country mile.