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Author Topic: Firearms experts who say; ?I can't do it so it can't be done?, cannot be trusted  (Read 41741 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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I have Studebaker's map of the sixth floor in a book but I'd like to post it here....  Can anybody direct me to that map that Studebaker created?   

Question....Is it possible for a 5' 9" man to reach across a four foot high stack of boxes and lay an 8 pound rifle on the floor in a cave that was five feet away?

Boone's description of the location where the rifle was laying on the floor....

Mr. BOONE - Well, it was almost--the stairwell is in the corner of the building, something like this, and there is a wall coming up here, making one side of the stairwell with the building acting as the other two sides. And from that, it was almost directly in front or about 8 feet south, I guess, it would be, from that partition wall that made up the stairwell.

Let's parse that description.....He's talking about a wall ( partition) that forms the east side of the stairway ( The stairway was in the NW corner, and the West, and North, brick walls of the building formed the North and West walls of the stairway)
The measurement of 8 feet that Boone refers to is from the south end of that partition.  IOW...The rifle was laying on the floor ( at the bottom of an enclosed cavern of books) 8 feet south of the south end of the partition that formed the east wall of the stairway. 

There was a row of boxes of books stacked about three feet south of the south end that partition... This row of boxes formed the South side of the aisle that was at the top of the stairs .... That aisle was about three feet wide.  So according to Boone's observation , the rifle was laying on the floor about 5 feet south of that row of boxes.   The fake photos that were created by the DPD show the rifle against the south side of the row of boxes that formed the E/W wall of the aisle that Lee allegedly dashed through as he ran by the area.

Boone said the rifle was about eight feet south of the partition,or five feet south of the aisle....  ( And Detective Studebaker drew a map in which he gives a distance that corroborates Boone's estimate)

Notice the floor support beams that are 12.5 feet from the north wall.....  there are two of the pillars on the south side of the service elevators and another near the top of the stairs. They are all in a row at 12.5 feet from the   north wall.  The row of boxes that formed the south wall of the aisle that led to the stairs were in line with the floor support pillars.  ( IOW the row of boxes were about two feet from the top of the stairs) So the south side of that row of boxes would have been about 13 feet from the North wall ...But Detective Studebaker measured the distance from the north wall to the rifle at 15 feet 4 inches....IOW The rifle was about 3 feet south of the aisle that Lee Oswald was imagined to have dashed through as he raced to the stairs.... 

There is NO WAY that Lee could have reached across that gap and placed the rifle on the floor behind a stack of boxes that was over 15 feet from the north wall and then stacked boxes of books over the top of the opening as Boone described the location of the rifle.   

This is solid proof that LBJ's cover up committee deceived us and created false evidence .....
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 03:25:54 PM by Walt Cakebread »

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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  There's no proof that the Carcano was planted.
Odd that it was 'hidden' at all. It was hidden where it could be easily found at any length. Why waste valuable time doing that?
Also, as everyone knows...there's no proof that it wasn't planted.
The shims were lost when Lt. Carl Day of the Crime Lab disassembled the Carcano looking for "prints"?
The rifle couldn't be perfectly sighted using the scope (i.e., thereby eliminating the above overshoot completely) without installing two metal shims (small metal plates), which were not present when the rifle arrived for testing, and were never found.[65] Frazier testified that there was "a rather severe scrape" on the scope tube, and that the sight could have been bent or damaged. He was unable to determine when the defect occurred before the FBI received the rifle and scope on November 27, 1963.
Strange how a blanket or a shirt fiber was linked to the weapon and and also it's alleged smuggling bag but some rifle parts were 'lost' somehow.
The suggestion is that the rifle must have been carelessly hidden with extreme care.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Odd that it was 'hidden' at all. It was hidden where it could be easily found at any length. Why waste valuable time doing that?
Also, as everyone knows...there's no proof that it wasn't planted.  Strange how a blanket or a shirt fiber was linked to the weapon and and also it's alleged smuggling bag but some rifle parts were 'lost' somehow.
The suggestion is that the rifle must have been carelessly hidden with extreme care.

Odd that it was 'hidden' at all. It was hidden where it could be easily found at any length. Why waste valuable time doing that?

It was hidden for the same reason that he hid the rifle after firing a bullet through Walker's window.....He wanted the cops to find it after a period and trace the rifle to him after he was out of the country and in Cuba.

It was hidden BEFORE the shooting....And it was intended to be found after a period of time that allowed Lee to get clear of the TSBD and meet his handler in the Theater ( who he thought would escort him out of the country and on his way to Cuba ( just as he'd planned in the Walker hoax)   Lee thought the operation was a stage play, in which it would appear that he'd fired at JFK and was a fugitive.   An operation similar to his infiltration of the USSR in October of 59. 

Also, as everyone knows...there's no proof that it wasn't planted.

But there is very strong evidence that it WAS planted......

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Offline John Iacoletti

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The shims were lost when Lt. Carl Day of the Crime Lab disassembled the Carcano looking for "prints"?


Offline Walt Cakebread

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The carcano is a mere 40 inches long... so  a man sitting on a box four feet back from the wall and using the stack of Rolling Readers as a rifle rest could not have had the muzzle out of the window.

Witnesses report a man with a rifle much closer to the window than 4 feet away.

Do you have evidence that the 6th floor shooter was 4 feet back from the window?

Nearly every piece of evidence can be shown to be false.

Aha... "nearly every piece of evidence can be shown to be false". Now we're getting somewhere!!!

That means that you believe some pieces of evidence are not false. List them in your reply.

Here ya go Mr Lidell.....Solid evidence that Lee Oswald was framed....

Notice the floor support beams that are 12.5 feet from the north wall.....  there are two of the pillars on the south side of the service elevators and another near the top of the stairs. They are all in a row at 12.5 feet from the   north wall.  The row of boxes that formed the south wall of the aisle that led to the stairs were in line with the floor support pillars.  ( IOW the row of boxes were about two feet from the top of the stairs) So the south side of that row of boxes would have been about 13 feet from the North wall ...But Detective Studebaker measured the distance from the north wall to the rifle at 15 feet 4 inches....IOW The rifle was about 3 feet south of the aisle that Lee Oswald was imagined to have dashed through as he raced to the stairs.... 

There is NO WAY that Lee could have reached across that gap and placed the rifle on the floor behind a stack of boxes that was over 15 feet from the north wall and then stacked boxes of books over the top of the opening as Boone described the location of the rifle.   

This is solid proof that LBJ's cover up committee deceived us and created false evidence .....
« Last Edit: March 12, 2019, 03:31:31 PM by Walt Cakebread »

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Offline John Iacoletti

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Here ya go Mr Lidell.....Solid evidence that Lee Oswald was framed....

Your link doesn't work, Walt.  Is that your personal email inbox or something?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Your link doesn't work, Walt.  Is that your personal email inbox or something?

Sorry.... Perhaps you can find Studebaker's map of the sixth floor on line.....  I know that it's been posted here in the past.   I believe by Jerry Organ.

Studebaker's map is also printed on page 146 of 1st Day Evidence
« Last Edit: March 13, 2019, 07:10:00 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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The planted Carcano had a scope adjusted for a left-handed shooter, but Oswald was right-handed???

The scope was offset to the left because of the bolt-action which was on top of the rifle. A scope mounted on the right of the rifle would interfere with the movement of the bolt when ejecting a spent cartridge and loading a new one.

There's no proof that the Carcano was planted.

Questions for you who believes a Carcano was planted on the 6th floor of the TSBD:

-- Who planted the Carcano in the TSBD?

-- When was the Carcano planted in the TSBD?

The shims were lost when Lt. Carl Day of the Crime Lab disassembled the Carcano looking for "prints"?
Here, I copied something you said:

"a Carcano was planted on the 6th floor of the TSBD"

I am happy you are finally are coming around to believe a Carcano was planted. At least that is the way it reads, right?

Lt. Day "of the Crime Lab"?
Really, is that an explanation? Prof. Ross, you are full of excuses.
Maybe your buddy, Seymour could say it was an "honest mistake".
Disassembled? Was he looking for prints underneath something? Is that normal? Maybe he was modifying it. But why?
Do you think he wanted the shims to be lost? Very peculiar activity, but Prof. Ross thinks this is normal
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 05:24:08 AM by Peter Kleinschmidt »

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