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Author Topic: Firearms experts who say; ?I can't do it so it can't be done?, cannot be trusted  (Read 41866 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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I'm so charitable in my assessment of debating opponents. So you are not a researcher (of the JFK Assassination case). That begs the question: What are you?

Cool. Where did you get the ?at the behest of evil conspirators? nonsense?

Not every facet... some facets. There's something strange about someone believing the 6th floor rifle was a Mauser not the Carcano C2766: Then having no interest in exploring how it fits with a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy.

I think you?re confusing the reluctance to make up a narrative for which there is no evidence with disinterest. Three witnesses said there was a Mauser. Making up a narrative about the evidence doesn?t change the nature of the evidence.

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Offline John Iacoletti

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No I'm not making that admission... any admission.

Look at the Subject: title.

You are invited to accept or reject my theory. If it's the latter... with "supporting evidence".

Something like: "Yes they can be trusted implicitly and here's the reason why:      ".

You could make the same argument about ANY ?expert? opinion on various facets of the case. You trust the ones that confirm your biases.

Offline Mike Orr

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For all of those firearms experts who have tried and failed to duplicate what LHO was supposed to have done that day in Dallas, there comes a time for most people to just say that those shots were not done by just one man ! If there was definitive proof of one man causing all those wounds then there would be those who would buy into that scenario . When I listen to those like Dr. Cyril Wecht and Douglas Horne go by a thorough breakdown of wounds on JFK & JC , it becomes more clear that Arlen Specter and Gerald Ford brought in too many variables that just didn't add up to what really happened on Nov. 22nd 1963 . We are led to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald pulled off 2 killings all by himself . The thoughts of people that differ so much in this case mirrors something that we are dealing with now with Trump and his doings . Can we be so far apart on right and wrong that we can't see what's in front of us ?

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Offline Ross Lidell

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You could make the same argument about ANY ?expert? opinion on various facets of the case. You trust the ones that confirm your biases.

No you could not. This SUBJECT is not about opinions.

We are talking about "experts" participating in an experiment: Trying to prove that a task can OR cannot de done.

The results of these experiments are worthless because the participants can slyly "under-perform" but no one can prove that they did.

Offline Ross Lidell

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Cool. Where did you get the ?at the behest of evil conspirators? nonsense?

I think you?re confusing the reluctance to make up a narrative for which there is no evidence with disinterest. Three witnesses said there was a Mauser. Making up a narrative about the evidence doesn?t change the nature of the evidence.

Cool. Where did you get the ?at the behest of evil conspirators? nonsense?

It's what must follow if there really was a Mauser in the TSBD (on 22 November 1963) that subsequently disappeared. The descriptive language merely suggests (sarcastically) what must have happened absent an innocent explanation for the Mauser being on the 6th floor of the TSBD... where the assassination shots were fired from.

I think you?re confusing the reluctance to make up a narrative for which there is no evidence with disinterest. Three witnesses said there was a Mauser. Making up a narrative about the evidence doesn?t change the nature of the evidence.

So you believe the three witnesses who say the rifle found on the 6th floor of the TSBD was a Mauser... but are not interested in how it fits with a Conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy? Cool!!!

Unless the Mauser points to conspirators, it's not worth debating as "significant" in the crime investigation.

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Ross Lidell

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For all of those firearms experts who have tried and failed to duplicate what LHO was supposed to have done that day in Dallas, there comes a time for most people to just say that those shots were not done by just one man ! If there was definitive proof of one man causing all those wounds then there would be those who would buy into that scenario . When I listen to those like Dr. Cyril Wecht and Douglas Horne go by a thorough breakdown of wounds on JFK & JC , it becomes more clear that Arlen Specter and Gerald Ford brought in too many variables that just didn't add up to what really happened on Nov. 22nd 1963 . We are led to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald pulled off 2 killings all by himself . The thoughts of people that differ so much in this case mirrors something that we are dealing with now with Trump and his doings . Can we be so far apart on right and wrong that we can't see what's in front of us ?

So you can prove that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill John F. Kennedy and JD Tippit by invoking the choices and actions of President Donald Trump. Right!!!

Offline John Iacoletti

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No you could not. This SUBJECT is not about opinions.

We are talking about "experts" participating in an experiment: Trying to prove that a task can OR cannot de done.

The results of these experiments are worthless because the participants can slyly "under-perform" but no one can prove that they did.

Yes, just like an expert can slyly act more certain about a conclusion than the evidence actually warrants.

But I agree with you. All the attempts to recreate the WC shooting narrative don?t prove anything one way or the other.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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I'm not "dodging" your comments.... but we are now way off-topic.
 It would be better to start a new SUBJECT: What is the significance of a Mauser on the 6th floor TSBD.

Why start a new one when there already is an old one 454 posts long? It also got off topic.,948.msg20795.html#msg20795
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 12:59:10 AM by Jerry Freeman »

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