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Author Topic: Firearms experts who say; ?I can't do it so it can't be done?, cannot be trusted  (Read 41697 times)

Offline Bill Chapman

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That's the raison d'etre of Conspiracy Theorists.

You wouldn't want them sitting on a jury when you were the defendant accused of a serious crime.

Hmmm... then again you would!!!

Mr. Oswald: I'm innocent.
Mr. Iacoletti: Okay, you can go.
Mr. Oswald: [Smirk]

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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This topic was inspired by another: "Oswald's rifle capability".
I?ve seen the sequence previously and was suspicious that Ventura intentionally failed to operate the rifle to his maximum capability--to prove the story?s point. 
I posted this comment, which has been avoided by Freeman [who started the topic and posted the clip] and other top intellects on this forum.

What about the possibility that Jesse Ventura... sorry, Governor Ventura: Was not trying to fire the shots as quickly as he was capable of? After all, the shooter is a former professional wrestler. Pro Wrestling is acknowledged (even by Ventura) as FAKE! Why should we trust a renowned faker?
I suggest the comment was ignored because it cannot be challenged with the usual distortions and silliness of CT believers demanding an impossible standard of proof. Showing a video clip of Ventura failing proves ?nothing?. 

 Conveniently ignored [and probably wasn't even read] is this bit in that thread.
?They co[the US Army marksmen] could not sight the weapon in using the telescope, and no attempt was made to sight it in using the iron sight. We did adjust the telescopic sight by the addition of two shims, one which tended to adjust the azimuth, and one which adjusted an elevation?: Warren Commission Hearings, vol.3, p.443.
According to the FBI?s firearms specialist, ?Every time we changed the adjusting screws to move the crosshairs in the telescopic sight in one direction it also affected the movement of the impact or the point of impact in the other direction. ? We fired several shots and found that the shots were not all landing in the same place, but were gradually moving away from the point of impact.?: Warren Commission Hearings, vol.3, p.405.
***Problems with the bolt and the trigger mechanism: ?There were several comments made ? particularly with respect to the amount of effort required to open the bolt. ? There was also comment made about the trigger pull ? in the first stage the trigger is relatively free, and it suddenly required a greater pull to actually fire the weapon.?: Warren Commission Hearings, vol.3, p.449. ?The pressure to open the bolt was so great that that we tended to move the rifle off the target.?: ibid., p.451.
Now, let's just start another thread and single out Jesse Ventura as a fake and Ross Lidell has all his back slapping BFFs attaboys...wannabe experts with their thumbs up. I wonder if any of you guys ever fired a rifle. I have my doubts.
 ***Just like Mr Ventura experienced in that video. 

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Possible and probable can be linked.

Probable is meaningful if physical evidence supports it: Oswald owned the assassination weapon and no physical evidence of another assassination weapon exists. Therefore, it's probable that Lee Harvey Oswald is the assassin of President John F. Kennedy.

Possible is meaningful if physical evidence supports it: Oswald owned the assassination weapon and no physical evidence of another assassination weapon exists. Therefore, no matter how difficult the shots attributed to Oswald, he was the assassin of President John F. Kennedy.
Maybe you should read what you typed. Enough with the philosophical bs.

"no physical evidence of another assassination weapon exists"?

Sure, you are exactly wrong.
Help me understand the difference between finding a Mauser and finding a Mannilicher Carcano.
Actually, let me help does not start after the first 2 letters or after 36 hrs.
It's amazing what a person would have to believe to say something is possible and then pass it off to others as probable.

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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Even if it could be proven that Oswald owned the C2766 Mannlicher Carcano rifle (and it cannot) and if it could be proven that the C2766 Mannlicher Carcano rifle was the assassination weapon (and it cannot), it doesn't just follow that it was Oswald who fired it.


Offline John Iacoletti

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Ignoring your "assertions" about non-ownership of the rifle (C2766) by Lee Harvey Oswald: It's probable that the owner/possessor of the assassination weapon was the assassin. With no physical evidence of another (or if it pleases you... alternative) assassination weapon: It's probable that Lee Harvey Oswald is the assassin of President John F. Kennedy.

Then you have a bizarre concept of what constitutes "probable".

As you know John: To a believer in a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy... anything is possible.

To a believer in the WC myth, anything is possible.  Lucky shots, magic bullets, moving back wounds, disappearing bags, disappearing initials, reappearing palmprints, "mistaken" witnesses.  Whatever it takes.

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Offline John Iacoletti

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Well, certainly not to those who want to isolate and separate single pieces from the whole, and then announce that all the evidence is either faked, planted, or altered in some way.

And who exactly announced that all the evidence is either faked, planted, or altered in some way?

Offline John Iacoletti

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Mr. Oswald: I'm innocent.
Mr. Iacoletti: Okay, you can go.
Mr. Oswald: [Smirk]

Is this like the hundredth time you've repeated this lame joke?

Cop: Trust me, Oswald did it
Mr. Chapman: Guilty as charged!
Cop: [Smirk]

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Is this like the hundredth time you've repeated this lame joke?

Cop: Trust me, Oswald did it
Mr. Chapman: Guilty as charged!
Cop: [Smirk]

Have you ever wished that there was a time machine that could take us back to Sunday 11/ 24 63   ....and it was Bill Chapman that was being led out to meet Jack Ruby....   If Ol Chappedass  had been in Lee's can bet he'd be singing a different tune.

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