Play games all you want. Change the subject all you want.
Off topic? Change the subject
Troll? Change the subject
What will be Ross's next straw man? It started with Jesse V
No games... just attempting to get you to "fess up to what you think about the Mauser's existence, if that's what you believe":
-- Some nefarious purpose?
-- A red herring?
-- An innocent coincidence?
There is no "straw man". This topic, quite rightly explores the "no expert shooter could replicate Oswald's alleged feat" argument.
It exposes the flaws in this theory.
Even if it was possible to be 100% certain of the time available for Oswald to fire the shots: A biased [does not think Oswald did it] expert shooter could intentionally perform way below his best to prove his belief that he has either declared in advance or kept secret.
There are two ways such a shooter could intentionally under-perform:
1. Slowly and clumsily operate the bolt-action of a Carcano (like Oswald's) to exceed the time limit.
2. Aim off-target and miss one, two or all the shots.
See!!!!!!!!!! It cannot be done because I could not do it.

It can reasonably be suggested that Governor Jesse Ventura did at least #1.
Keep in mind: If Governor/Navy Seal/Pro Wrestler Jesse Ventura equals or beats Oswald's estimated shooting time... his (Ventura's) theory is destroyed and there is no point in completing the episode of "Conspiracy Theories" and broadcasting it.
In other words: Jesse Ventura had a motive to fail.