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Author Topic: Firearms experts who say; ?I can't do it so it can't be done?, cannot be trusted  (Read 41735 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Your link doesn't work, Walt.  Is that your personal email inbox or something?

I've been searching for the map that Studebaker created of the sixth floor of the TSBD...  It's been posted in the forum a couple of times. 

I stumbled across something that verifies Studebaker's measurement of 15 feet 4 inches from the north wall as the location where the rifle was hidden beneath a pallet with boxes of books stacked on that pallet.     In vol XXI page 512 

The rifle is recorded as having been found 8 feet from the stairs..... 

Eight feet from the stairs would be 16 feet from the north wall....  And Studebaker measured the actual distance as 15 feet 4 inches.... So the guestimate of eight feet from the stairs to the rifle is reasonably accurate for a guess.   The fake "In Situ" photos of the rifle show it to be about 3 feet from the stairs.  There's no way anybody could misjudge 8 feet for 3 feet....     

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Walt Cakebread

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I've been searching for the map that Studebaker created of the sixth floor of the TSBD...  It's been posted in the forum a couple of times. 

I stumbled across something that verifies Studebaker's measurement of 15 feet 4 inches from the north wall as the location where the rifle was hidden beneath a pallet with boxes of books stacked on that pallet.     In vol XXI page 512 

The rifle is recorded as having been found 8 feet from the stairs..... 

Eight feet from the stairs would be 16 feet from the north wall....  And Studebaker measured the actual distance as 15 feet 4 inches.... So the guestimate of eight feet from the stairs to the rifle is reasonably accurate for a guess.   The fake "In Situ" photos of the rifle show it to be about 3 feet from the stairs.  There's no way anybody could misjudge 8 feet for 3 feet....     

Mr. SIMS. Well, someone then hollered--we started a search of the sixth floor then, going from east to west--all the officers, and someone had found the rifle over by the stairway.
Mr. BALL. That would be in what corner of the building?
Mr. SIMS. That would be in actually the northwest corner of the building.
Mr. BALL. And what happened then?
Mr. SIMS. Then, we went over to where the rifle was found.
Mr. BALL. Did you see the rifle?
Mr. SIMS. Yes; I saw the rifle.
Mr. BALL. Where was the rifle?
Mr. SIMS. It was laying there near a stairway, partially covered by some paper.

Notice that Sims reference for the location of the rifle as 8 feet from the stairs has been deleted .

Sims said that the gun was laying on the floor ( not jammed between boxes )  and it was about 5 feet from the west wall and about 8 feet from the stairway.

The liars swore that the in situ photo ( the fake)  was taken before anything was moved....So where's the paper that was partially covering the rifle?
And why does the in situ photo ( the fake) show that the rifle is NOT laying on the floor and it is about three feet from the stairs???
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 04:50:57 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Mr. SIMS. Well, someone then hollered--we started a search of the sixth floor then, going from east to west--all the officers, and someone had found the rifle over by the stairway.
Mr. BALL. That would be in what corner of the building?
Mr. SIMS. That would be in actually the northwest corner of the building.
Mr. BALL. And what happened then?
Mr. SIMS. Then, we went over to where the rifle was found.
Mr. BALL. Did you see the rifle?
Mr. SIMS. Yes; I saw the rifle.
Mr. BALL. Where was the rifle?
Mr. SIMS. It was laying there near a stairway, partially covered by some paper.

Notice that Sims reference for the location of the rifle as 8 feet from the stairs has been deleted .

Sims said that the gun was laying on the floor ( not jammed between boxes )  and it was about 5 feet from the west wall and about 8 feet from the stairway.

The liars swore that the in situ photo ( the fake)  was taken before anything was moved....So where's the paper that was partially covering the rifle?
And why does the in situ photo ( the fake) show that the rifle is NOT laying on the floor and it is about three feet from the stairs???

Mr. BALL - What happened then?
Mr. BOONE - Some of the other officers came over to look at it. I told them to stand back, not to get around close, they might want to take prints of some of the boxes, and not touch the rifle. And at that time Captain Fritz and an ID man came over. I believe the ID man's name was Lieutenant Day--I am not sure. They came over and the weapon was photographed as it lay. And at that time Captain Fritz picked it up by the strap, and it was removed from the place where it was. (Here, Boone's memory failed him as it was Day who picked up the rifle by the strap)
Mr. BALL - You saw them take the photograph?
Mr. BOONE - Yes.
Mr. BALL - Were you alone at that time?
Mr. BOONE - There was an Officer Weitzman, I believe. He is a deputy constable.
Mr. BALL - Where was the rifle located on the floor, general location?
Mr. BOONE - Well, it was almost--the stairwell is in the corner of the building, something like this, and there is a wall coming up here, making one side of the stairwell with the building acting as the other two sides. And from that, it was almost directly in front or about 8 feet south, I guess, it would be, from that partition wall that made up the stairwell.

Sims said that he rifle was about 8 feet from the stairs, and Boone said the rifle was about 8 feet from the stairs , and Studebaker measured the distance from the rifle to the stairs and he found the distance to be 15 feet  4 inches....
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 08:59:21 PM by Walt Cakebread »

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Offline Joe Elliott

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Marine Sniper , Carlos Hathcock was asked about LHO being able to pull off the shots that killed jfk and Hathcock said they set up a replica at Quantico and that nobody could duplicate the so called shots that Oswald was said to have pulled off .       
Roger Craig claimed that Carlos Hathcock said these things. We have absolutely no evidence that Hathcock did these things or ever claimed he did those things.
Only Roger Craig?s word, which I do not trust.

I saw a Discovery Channel show where Michael Yardley fired 16 times at a melon moving at similar speeds and the similar angles of the November 22, 1963 shots.

He hit the melon 16 times in 16 shots.

So, which should I trust more? The video of Michael Yardley?s shooting? Or Craig Roger?s word about what Carlos Hathcock said about the test that he ran
which showed that what Michael Yardley did and what Oswald did is impossible?

Offline Bill Chapman

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Roger Craig claimed that Carlos Hathcock said these things. We have absolutely no evidence that Hathcock did these things or ever claimed he did those things.
Only Roger Craig?s word, which I do not trust.

I saw a Discovery Channel show where Michael Yardley fired 16 times at a melon moving at similar speeds and the similar angles of the November 22, 1963 shots.

He hit the melon 16 times in 16 shots.

So, which should I trust more? The video of Michael Yardley?s shooting? Or Craig Roger?s word about what Carlos Hathcock said about the test that he ran
which showed that what Michael Yardley did and what Oswald did is impossible?


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Offline Ray Mitcham

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Roger Craig claimed that Carlos Hathcock said these things. We have absolutely no evidence that Hathcock did these things or ever claimed he did those things.
Only Roger Craig?s word, which I do not trust.

I saw a Discovery Channel show where Michael Yardley fired 16 times at a melon moving at similar speeds and the similar angles of the November 22, 1963 shots.

He hit the melon 16 times in 16 shots.

So, which should I trust more? The video of Michael Yardley?s shooting? Or Craig Roger?s word about what Carlos Hathcock said about the test that he ran
which showed that what Michael Yardley did and what Oswald did is impossible?

"Roger Craig" and then "Craig Rogers"? Or should it be Craig Roberts? Put the crack pipe down, Joe. It's affecting your mind.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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This topic was inspired by another: "Oswald's rifle capability".
So we have to jump up and start another thread on the same subject?
  A word-class shooter could not fire 3 shots blah blah
I guess you mean WORLD class? Where did that come from? Ratings even higher than 'Expert' are Master..then Premier Specialist [someone who never misses] Saying that about Oswald?----How really full of it can you get?
As part of the debate: 
I posted this comment, which has been avoided by Freeman [who started the topic and posted the clip] and other top intellects on this forum.
What is "ignored" is Oswald's capability and your ignorance.
I suggest the comment was ignored because it cannot be challenged...blah blah again.
Assessing Oswald?s rifle-shooting skills ?after the event? is futile.
That is one absolutely absurd statement.
  It will annoy conspiracy theorists to be told: A lucky shot (or 2 lucky shots) was possible... however unlikely.
Well there...he said it himself. The number of coincidences that surround Oswald's activities including divining when to prepare a sniper nest, assemble a rifle [using a coin it was pronounced] ...then just in time for the motorcade to pass  wait until it's half-way gone down the road to start firing.. bullet's that go through 2 guys etc etc.
The chances all must number into the thousands ..lucky indeed. See how full of themselves these guys are?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Mr. BALL - What happened then?
Mr. BOONE - Some of the other officers came over to look at it. I told them to stand back, not to get around close, they might want to take prints of some of the boxes, and not touch the rifle. And at that time Captain Fritz and an ID man came over. I believe the ID man's name was Lieutenant Day--I am not sure. They came over and the weapon was photographed as it lay. And at that time Captain Fritz picked it up by the strap, and it was removed from the place where it was. (Here, Boone's memory failed him as it was Day who picked up the rifle by the strap)
Mr. BALL - You saw them take the photograph?
Mr. BOONE - Yes.
Mr. BALL - Were you alone at that time?
Mr. BOONE - There was an Officer Weitzman, I believe. He is a deputy constable.
Mr. BALL - Where was the rifle located on the floor, general location?
Mr. BOONE - Well, it was almost--the stairwell is in the corner of the building, something like this, and there is a wall coming up here, making one side of the stairwell with the building acting as the other two sides. And from that, it was almost directly in front or about 8 feet south, I guess, it would be, from that partition wall that made up the stairwell.

Sims said that he rifle was about 8 feet from the stairs, and Boone said the rifle was about 8 feet from the stairs , and Studebaker measured the distance from the rifle to the stairs and he found the distance to be 15 feet  4 inches....

The carcano was lying on the floor beneath a wooden pallet with the leather sling up ( left side up ) "it was almost directly in front or about 8 feet south, I guess, it would be, from that partition wall that made up the stairwell."

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