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Author Topic: BWF and LMR may not have been the only ones who saw LHO with a bag on 11/22/1963  (Read 152534 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Friends! Consider the following:

Testimony Of Ruth Hyde Paine Resumed
The testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine was taken at 7:30 p.m., on March 23, 1964, at 2515 West Fifth Street, Irving, Tex., home of deponent by Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission.

During this taking of testimony, two curtain rods, each measuring 27.5 inches when unextended, were inspected by Agent Howlett in the Paine garage. The Paines had both testified that these rods had lain undisturbed at the back of the garage since a time well before 11/22/63. Ms Paine testified that no rods had been noticed missing after the JFK assassination.

Now for a real kicker!

Yep! March 15.

Sequence of events:

1. March 15: Agent Howlett submits 2 curtain rods to Lieutenant L. C. Day for fingerprinting (to check for a match with Oswald's prints)

2. March 19: Ruth Paine testifies in Washington that 2 curtain rods have remained undisturbed in her garage since months before the assassination; she oh-so-obligingly agrees to allow the WC to inspect these 2 rods in situ when they visit her home in Irving in a week's time

3. March 23: Agent Howlett inspects 2 curtain rods in the Paine residence which have supposedly lain there undisturbed for months

3. March 24: Lieutenant L. C. Day releases back to Agent Howlett the 2 curtain rods he had received from him on March 15.

I have consulted a calendar of March 1964, friends, and guess what?

March 15 preceded March 23!  ???

The glaring timeline anomaly leads to an inescapable conclusion:

The 2 curtain rods submitted to Lieutenant Day on March 15 were tested for Oswald's fingerprints
-------------not because they came from the Paine garage (impossible according to the WC's own timeline [March 15 preceded March 23!], and absurd on the face of it [Mr Oswald's fingerprints on curtain rods never even taken from the Paine household would be an irrelevance to the case])
-------------but because they had been found somewhere other than in the Paine garage.

The on-the-record scene in the Paine garage on March 23, in short, was a staged affair:
-------------The 2 curtain rods which Agent Howlett inspected in situ had been removed from that garage by Mr Oswald on the night of Thursday 11/22 and brought to the Depository building the next morning in a large light-brown paper bag
-------------These 2 curtain rods had been found---somewhere other than in the Paine garage---after the assassination
-------------These 2 curtain rods had been surreptitiously restored to the Paine garage in time for the on-the-record 'inspection' of March 23.

A squalid little pantomime----all to bury the simple but crucial fact that Mr Oswald had brought not a dissassembled rifle but curtain rods measuring 27.5 inches into the Depository on the morning of the assassination!

But how did they get the curtain rods out of the DPD crime unit so that they could be used in the staged inspection chez Paine?

I believe the discrepancies between these two versions we have of the official release form may hold the answer!:

As a taster, ask yourself the question:

How can Lieutenant Day have released the curtain rods twice
-----------first to Agent Howlett on March 23
-----------second to A. N. Other on March 26?

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 01:04:32 PM by Alan Ford »

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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There must be a logical answer to the question:

Why would 2 curtain rods (each made up of 2 pieces) need to be tested to see if Mr Oswald's fingerprints were on them?

These curtain rods were obviously in the possession of the DPD, when they released them to Howett 3/24 /64  ...  Howlett had brought them to the DPD on 3 /15/64 

Where did the snake Howlett get the curtain rods..... ( recall that Howlett was the snake who portrayed "Lee Oswald" in the phony "re-enactment" of the Lee's theorized movements in the TSBD after the shooting....)

Offline Alan Ford

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Friends, let us return to CE-142-------the bag purportedly found up in the Sniper's Nest on the 6th floor after the assassination!

Mr Oswald is somehow manipulated into bringing 2 curtain rods measuring 27.5 inches into work that morning.

Why? In order that he be seen having come into work with a bulky package. He is being set up not as a triggerman but as the deliverer of a rifle to the building.

For the plan to work, the bulky package must
--------------be handled by Mr Oswald so as to later come back positive from the fingerprinting lab
--------------be separated from its original contents (curtain rods) at some point between Mr Oswald's arrival for work and the discovery of the bag by law enforcement after the shooting
--------------be long enough, when folded out to its full length, to be credibly said to have contained the Carcano.

Why not give Mr Oswald something to carry in the bag as long as a rifle? Would that not have avoided the headache posed by Mr Frazier and Ms Randle's size estimates?

Sure! But that would have risked triggering Mr Oswald's suspicions. Remember: this was the day of the Presidential visit. Big chance he would have smelled a rat.


All this renders intelligible Mr Oswald's actions immediately after the assassination:
---------------he goes into the small storage room just off the first-floor front lobby to check on the bag with the curtain rods he left there this morning (thanks to Mr Ochus Campbell, we know he was seen in this room)
---------------the bag is gone, but the curtain rods are still there!
---------------he puts 2 + 2 together, and leaves the scene, picks up a pistol in his apartment, etc.

After his arrest, what does he tell Captain Fritz?


A) He denies having brought any bulky package to work: he knows he can't prove that the curtain rods were in the long bag, and he has already learned that a Carcano is believed to have vanished from the Paine garage. 'Wesley must be mistaken, he must be thinking about a different day. I only had a fairly large-sized bag with my lunch in it...' etc.


B) He denies having brought the curtain rods to work because he doesn't wish to admit to having helped himself to Mrs Paine's property without her permission


C) He tells Captain Fritz about the curtain rods in the large bag, and about the small lunch bag with an apple and cheese sandwiches which he had also placed in the large bag. Captain Fritz & Co. do what Captain Fritz need to do: they lie about what Mr Oswald said. We know they are going to suppress Mr Oswald's single most important claim in custody: "Then went outside to watch P. Parade". Hardly a stretch that they will also suppress Mr Oswald's second most important claim: 'I brought curtain rods to work this morning'!

Now! Nota bene!

For the basic frame-up plan to work, Mr Oswald must be given a bag that
------------seems about right for carrying curtain rods
------------will later seem just right for having carried the Carcano.

CE-142 would fit the bill nicely, no?  Thumb1:

But more than this:

For the plan to work, Mr Oswald must not be allowed to choose the bag he brings the curtain rods in.

The bag must be tailor-made for the job:
-----------------It must be prepared for, and given to, Mr Oswald.

Who prepared CE-142?

Where was it prepared?

Who gave it to Mr Oswald?

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Offline Alan Ford

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These curtain rods were obviously in the possession of the DPD, when they released them to Howett 3/24 /64  ...  Howlett had brought them to the DPD on 3 /15/64 

Where did the snake Howlett get the curtain rods..... ( recall that Howlett was the snake who portrayed "Lee Oswald" in the phony "re-enactment" of the Lee's theorized movements in the TSBD after the shooting....)

Good question!

There is only one logical answer to the overwhelming question: "Why were these curtain rods tested for Mr Oswald's prints?"

Because they must have been found in a location where a forensic link between them and Mr Oswald would be of significance to the case.

The Paine garage is not such a location.

The Texas School Book Depository is!


Offline Alan Ford

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A cogent objection might be made to the theory I am putting forward:

How did those framing Mr Oswald know for sure in advance that he would make an untypical visit to the Paine home the night before the assassination?

The simple answer is:

They didn't!

And that's where this gets really interesting...

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 03:04:19 PM by Alan Ford »

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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A cogent objection might be made to the theory I am putting forward:

How did those framing Mr Oswald know for sure in advance that he would make an untypical visit to the Paine home the night before the assassination?

The simple answer is:

They didn't!

And that's where this gets really interesting...


How do you know that they wouldn't have known?.....   It appears to me that they knew that Lee would want to spend his last night in the US, with his family,   before fleeing to Cuba after the hoax attempt on JFK.....  And they capitalized on that by attempting to make it appear that Lee had gone to Irving to get the rifle.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 07:45:40 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Alan Ford

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23 March 1964, Paine home, Irving:

Mr. JENNER - Now, Mrs. Paine, one of the things we said we might see is a package that was in your garage containing curtain rods.
Mrs. PAINE - Yes--as you recall.
Mr. JENNER - You said you would leave that package in precisely the place wherever it was last week when you were in Washington, D.C., and have you touched it since you came home?
Mrs. PAINE - I have not touched it.
Mr. JENNER - And is it now in the place it was to the best of your recollection on November 21, 1963?
Mrs. PAINE - Yes.
Mr. JENNER - Now, would you rise and enter the garage and point out in my presence and in the presence of Mr. Howlett where that package is?
(At this point the persons heretofore mentioned entered the garage as stated by Counsel Jenner.)

Pure pantomime!

The 'Mr Howlett' mentioned by Mr Jenner is the selfsame Agent Howlett who----------just 8 days before----------had submitted 2 curtain rods for fingerprinting to Lieutenant J. C. Day!

Purpose of the fingerprinting? To check for Mr Oswald's prints!

And now here he is, about to 'inspect'.... 2 curtain rods!

With no mention by him, by anyone, of his concurrent Oswald-oriented investigation into the 'other' 2 curtain rods!

This laughable charade had been nicely set up the previous week in Washington:

Mr. JENNER - While you are doing that, Mrs. Paine, would you be good enough when you return to Irving, Tex., to see if those rods are at hand, and some of our men are going to be in Irving next week. We might come out and take a look at them, and perhaps you might surrender them to us.
Mrs. PAINE - You are perfectly welcome to them.

The curtain rods were indeed 'surrendered', though the more accurate past participle would be: given back----to Agent Howlett, and in turn to Lieutenant Day.

The following day, they would be re-released by Lieutenant Day to Agent Howlett:

And then---------or so another official release form tells us---------they were, on March 26, somehow re-re-released to a nameless A. N. Other!:

But is that what this second '3-26-64' official document is really showing us?

« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 04:00:19 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline John Iacoletti

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For ease of cross-reference!:


Very interesting find, Alan!  There's some shenanigans going on here...

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