Either Captain Fritz is lying (he is good at that), or Mr Oswald is lying (ditto)!
If the latter, then it is because Mr Oswald realises he has been stitched up and has calculated that his best defence for now is to deny having brought a bulky package to work.
You want to force into his hands on the morning of 11/22 a bag much longer than that seen by Mr Frazier and Ms Randle.
I--------on the other hand--------believe he had in his hands a bag perfectly consistent with the bag seen by those two witnesses.
That's just one of the several reasons why I'm winning here, and you and your pals are losing! 
So Oswald's best defense was to lie about carrying a long bag that he knew Frazier and possibly others would confirm he had when it contained only curtain rods and his lunch! And it was still laying around somewhere in the TSBD to be found to assist him. LOL. That is your theory as to why he lied? It was in his interest that the bag be found if it contained curtain rods and not a rifle. In your bizarre theory, however, Oswald is lying against his own self-interest. The first criminal to lie himself into trouble instead of out of it. And the DPD involved in the frame up find the curtain rods, hide them until March, convince Ruth Paine to lie under oath, and then suddenly bring them to light for no apparent reason to blow their own frame up! Wow. Great story.