First of all, there is no record of the TSBD being searched for other bags.
>>> Dang it! The DPD should have instantly put out an APB for suspicious looking, rifle-sized paper bags (with the caution that they may still be armed) 
Every time you have nothing of substance to contribute, you resort to misplaced sarcasm, whilst at the same time missing the point that was being made.
It's probably in vain, but I'll gladly waste a bit of my time to explain something as basic as this to you, although I expect it goes way over your head anyway. But here goes;
Oscar can not claim that "no other bag was found in the TSBD that would fit the description and circumstances as described by LMR and BWF" when the TSBD was never searched for that kind of bag to begin with.
I hope that's not to complicated for you to understand.
Secondly, the bag allegedly found at the SN did not match the description given by BWF
>>> You're assuming Frazier was being truthful. Frazier, the guy who drove the (eventual) prime suspect to the (eventual) scene of the crime.
Let me guess? but you can of course assume that he wasn't being truthful, right?
Too bad for you that it wasn't only Frazier who gave the description. His sister did as well.
and thirdly, the SN bag was shown to Frazier on Friday evening, while he was being polygraphed, and he instantly denied it was the bag he had seen Oswald carry.
>>> Yep. Seems he didn't see Oswald with a (partially) two-toned bag
Who cares what he didn't see when we know that he saw Oswald carry a flimsy bag not one made from TSBD heavy duty wrapping paper.