The "I didn't pay much attention" claim came later. On Friday evening he was adamant. Only later did he become more cautious. Besides, the fact that he didn't pay much attention doesn't automatically mean that he was wrong.
>>> What matters is that he didn't pay much attention, not at what juncture that became known to investigators
Or he just said that he wasn't paying much attention to give himself some breathing space.
>>> You don't seem to understand that agreeing with the WC size would bring all hell down on him.
Even if true, you think this was a consideration on Frazier's mind hours after the murder, when Oswald was still alive in custody and there was no trace of the WC?
>>> I have no idea what any witness had in mind. I can only put myself in any given scene and think about I would do in such a circumstance. Buell said he was threatened physically in that interview. That may have xxxxxx him off enough to reconsider his options.
Sure.. reconsider as in using the "I wasn't paying much attention" option
He saw Oswald put the bag in the cup of his hand and under his shoulder. Do you foolishly think he saw that from behind? Did Frazier have X-ray vision, perhaps?
>>> It seems that Oswald held it in the palm of his hand alright. But Buell agreed with Bug that it could have been held in front.
It seems? What do you mean, "it seems"? Frazier clearly saw the package in the cup of Oswald's hand and under his armpit!
Mr. BALL - When you saw him get out of the car, when you first saw him when he was out of the car before he started to walk, you noticed he had the package under the arm?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL - One end of it was under the armpit and the other he had to hold it in his right hand. Did the package extend beyond the right hand?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir. Like I say if you put it under your armpits and put it down normal to the side.
Mr. BALL - But the right hand on, was it on the end or the side of the package?
Mr. FRAZIER - No; he had it cupped in his hand.
Mr. BALL - Cupped in his hand?
Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
But Buell agreed with Bug that it could have been held in front. Being the honest man that he is, he just answered Bug's loaded question truthfully. Not seeing the package stick out over Oswald's could indeed mean, in theory at least, that he was holding it in front. However, anybody who ever tried to do it the way Bug suggested will soon find out that it is physically impossible to carry a rifle that way, without the support of the other arm.
Stop rambling and just show us all where Randle ever said that the bag " looked long enough to contain a rifle." Go on then, we're waiting!
First Lennie Mae Randle statement on bag length
RANDLE stated that about 7:15 a.m., November 22, 1963, she
looked out of a window of her residence and observed LEE HARVEY OSWALD
walking up her driveway and saw him put a long brown package,
approximately 3 feet by 6 inches, in the back seat area of WESLEY
FRAZIER's 1954 black Chevrolet four door automobile.
That the Bookhout FD 302 report, which Randle never saw or signed. She has contradicted that report in every other official statement she made. And even in that report she did not say that the bag " looked long enough to contain a rifle.". You are making stuff up again!
Are you on medication? You are using arguments you don't believe in and you think others do that as well? Really?
>>> 'Using' in what sense
Yep, you must me on meds.
Already destroyed by John Iacoletti
Great; your fellow gaslighter-in-arms
Nah, John is just another person you can not fool with your usual crap
PS: Is pointing out that Buell was, arguably, in potentially dire circumstances just considered to be 'rambling' by you?
No, but most of your other stuff is.