Friends! Consider the following:
Testimony Of Ruth Hyde Paine Resumed
The testimony of Ruth Hyde Paine was taken at 7:30 p.m., on March 23, 1964, at 2515 West Fifth Street, Irving, Tex., home of deponent by Mr. Albert E. Jenner, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
During this taking of testimony, two curtain rods, each measuring 27.5 inches when unextended, were inspected by Agent Howlett in the Paine garage. The Paines had both testified that these rods had lain undisturbed at the back of the garage since a time well before 11/22/63. Ms Paine testified that no rods had been noticed missing after the JFK assassination.
Now for a real kicker!

March 15.Sequence of events:1. March 15: Agent Howlett submits 2 curtain rods to Lieutenant L. C. Day for fingerprinting (to check for a match with Oswald's prints)
2. March 19: Ruth Paine testifies in Washington that 2 curtain rods have remained undisturbed in her garage since months before the assassination; she oh-so-obligingly agrees to allow the WC to inspect these 2 rods in situ when they visit her home in Irving in a week's time
3. March 23: Agent Howlett inspects 2 curtain rods in the Paine residence which have supposedly lain there undisturbed for months
3. March 24: Lieutenant L. C. Day releases back to Agent Howlett the 2 curtain rods he had received from him on March 15.
I have consulted a calendar of March 1964, friends, and guess what?
March 15 preceded March 23! 
glaring timeline anomaly leads to an inescapable conclusion:
The 2 curtain rods submitted to Lieutenant Day on March 15 were tested for Oswald's fingerprints
-------------not because they came from the Paine garage (impossible according to the WC's own timeline [March 15 preceded March 23!], and absurd on the face of it [Mr Oswald's fingerprints on curtain rods
never even taken from the Paine household would be an irrelevance to the case])
-------------but because they had been found
somewhere other than in the Paine garage.
The on-the-record scene in the Paine garage on March 23, in short, was a
staged affair:
-------------The 2 curtain rods which Agent Howlett inspected in situ had been removed from that garage by Mr Oswald on the night of Thursday 11/22 and brought to the Depository building the next morning in a large light-brown paper bag
-------------These 2 curtain rods had been found---
somewhere other than in the Paine garage---after the assassination
-------------These 2 curtain rods had been surreptitiously
restored to the Paine garage in time for the on-the-record 'inspection' of March 23.
A squalid little pantomime----all to bury the simple but crucial fact that Mr Oswald had brought not a dissassembled rifle but curtain rods measuring 27.5 inches into the Depository on the morning of the assassination!But how did they get the curtain rods out of the DPD crime unit so that they could be used in the staged inspection
chez Paine?
I believe the discrepancies between these two versions we have of the official release form may hold the answer!:

As a taster, ask yourself the question:
How can Lieutenant Day have released the curtain rods
twice-----------first to Agent Howlett on March 23
-----------second to A. N. Other on March 26?